Any culture where people are pressured or shamed into saying things they disagree with is toxic. Do NOT trouble yourself to try to win such people's acceptance. You need such society like you need any abusive relationship.

@amerika For instance, I am transgender, but it is very difficult to offend me by accident. Trying to unite a very different community that is politically divided taught me to get along well with people that think differently. When you have enough riding on persuading a liberal socialist, a conservative libertarian, a tankie, and a Makhnovist anarchist to work together productively and not fight constantly, you just figure it out.


I believe in Open Discussion.

At the very least, get the ideas out there.

Disunity may follow, but then it was inevitable anyway.

@amerika I think that we only end up with serious disunity when we forget about Popper's paradox of tolerance. The only people we cannot coexist with are people that cannot and will not coexist with others.

As paradoxical as it sounds, tolerance is only possible if we do not tolerate the intolerant.

The only way we can have peace is to make war against those that would make war against those that are otherwise peaceful.

This is why teleology is important in discussions about ethics.


@Sigma @amerika It's not a paradox, it's just a contradiction. At some point you have to say that there are things that are bad and that they have to be repressed in some way

Tolerance as a foundation is arbitrary and doesn't even make sense

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