Excerpt from the #Animation #SankaRea. Dan’Ichiro ‘s #NudePhotography of Rea every birthday.
There is also a slide show video of different birthday photographs of her, which was a special feature.
There was a #PhotoBook made of a girl and then her as a woman. Many of them were of a #NudeGirl . I believe the photographer was a parent, I think her father. I wonder whether that inspired this scenario. I thought that the book was titled Chrysalis , but when I look that up i find one of multiple models, which sounds as if it is not the one I think of. #NobuyoshiAraki
This fifth volume (of twenty) of “The Works of Nobuyoshi Araki” is subtitled “Chrysalis”, and focuses on the iconic Japanese photographer’s provocative portraits of pre-pubescent Japanese models in varying poses, and states of dress.
Speaking of births, this video clip was a hard one. Duration 33s , file size 2460K