okay normally i don't ask for feedback because this project i'm working on is really for myself and only tangentially for others but I want an honest opinion here:

do you think underwater having no blue tint is a problem?

coupled with this: does the footage you see here look like there's anything wrong with it in terms of the "blur" effects? (look at the trees and how the pixelation gets thicc when you go underwater)
@Binkle I think it's fine not including it for now, I mean that would just be a filter that's applied to the player camera right? could always be added later.
@Heil_Honkler I've been working on said filter off and on for months now - it turns out to be much trickier than you would think. Trying to get that filter to detect partial camera submersion for an arbitrary curve rather than a line or height value is very hard
@Binkle so is there a variable that is set for when you are in an immersed state?
@Binkle so just reference that variable for when the filter is supposed to be applied
@Heil_Honkler i could do that, but then what do you do when the camera is only halfway underwater? do you tint because the camera is halfway under or do you not tint because the camera is halfway above water?

@Binkle @Heil_Honkler When you're only partially underwater the water mesh would be very close, so could you reuse the z-buffer with a gradient to get the filter?

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@applejack @Heil_Honkler ok actually hang on a second that one might work at least for the edge cases i'm concerned about. I need to take some time to think about this one there might be a composite solution here
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