Gun nuts often have the same reply or answer on gun death related statistics:

"I don't believe that's right."

The only stats they "believe" are the amount of bullets they have left :nkoFacepalm2:

Statistics are not something you "believe in" or not, facts are facts


@stux Can we talk about the statistics of 95% White, gun-rich Maine and Vermont?

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must we? not that i know a lot about it. so feel free to inform.


@kit @stux Lax gun laws but very low homicide, low even compared to Europe. That's basically it

so you are depending on culture. and its not like i believe a universal gun law would be viable. urban areas might have another factor when it comes to gun violence. country areas moght have a need for more self defense.

there is no universal solution just a haunting problem. this is a tough decision for a country to make. i just hope people acknowledge the need for something to be done.

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