Non-Christian RWers are the most powerful because we do not have to perform all these retarded mental gymnastics to convince ourselves and others that a universalist faith of Jewish origin is somehow beneficial to white people.

There is one thing jet is consistently correct about, and it’s that many people cede their racial autonomy - their biological imperative for survival - to the “authority of the Bible” or “what it says.” That’s kind of how we got to where we are now in many respects.

What boggles the mind is that you have people in the same vein okay with racism and murder based off racism but they designate specific behaviors when it comes to acting on those things as “evil” as preached to them by… I don’t know what, actually.

Much spoken doctrine comes from a place of confusion.

@Owl @jetzkrieg I wonder if it was a jewish anthropologist who first began the modern habit of deconstructing and analysing myths/legends/religions through an evolutionary frame.

Refusing to believe in anything more important than your own survival sounds a lot like cowardice.

Refusing to believe in anything more important than your own survival sounds a lot like cowardice.

Or it’s just basic logic, because we’re biological creatures first and foremost. There can be many different priorities going on at once, of course, but at the end of the day if you’re neglecting a biological imperative of any kind, you’re going to think more about that than you are say, faith.

I want to make something abundantly clear, before we get off in the weeds: I’m not bashing Christianity, that’s not my intent and I’m not coming from a place of needless antagonism but genuine confusion about a specific issue that’s captured my imagination when it comes to jet threads.

@Owl @jetzkrieg I'm saying that there's nothing "strange" about someone placing an ideology or religion above their own survival, infact it's usually something society values.

You don't even need to look at Christianity for this. The pagan viking who cares for a good death in battle more than the "survival" of his people is a good example too.

The kamikaze pilot giving his life to honor the emperor.

The anti-christian racist right has been trying to meme a religion to replace Christianity for decades. They believe in this idea that all religious beliefs are just fairytales we make up to rationalize behavior we want to see. Religion is something for the masses to keep them in line. This is what liberals and marxists also believe about religion.

Yet somehow, even with this knowledge, they have failed to replace Christianity with a "based" religion.

And they just continue to screech into the void about it
I've never seen a sincere rightoid pagan either, it's literally a cynical atheist every single time. People can be pretty retarded but they'll also smell bullshit from insincere jackoffs which is why "we'll make up based religion" never worked and will never work.
I used to follow a guy on Instagram who was pagan and a carpenter. Seemed really nice. Never stirred shit up, just posted his works and every solstice or whatever he's post something or show him, his wife and girls out celebrating in nature.
Those pagans, I like.
@ImperialAgent @Ottovonshitpost @Owl I'm also tempted to think of SurvivetheJive, who's content I really enjoy.
I have unfortunately seen him get up his own ass with typical anti-christian takes.
The Golden One is the only pagan that I have seen actively encourage unity between the pagans and Christians. He's not really politically active anymore, though he seems to be butting heads with Meta.

He toned things down after getting married and having a kid, he's not totally anonymous and has a lot of skin in the game now. Plus he's Swedish and still lives there.
I like moral pagans over leftoid christians every day of the week

Is it even possible to be leftist and a by-the-book Christian at this point? That definitely has a “serve two masters” and “deliberately misinterpret the Bible for my own political bend” couple of disasters all over it.

Don't read the Bible. Do whatever the TV says instead of the Bible. Live your life by the "it's called being a good person" ideals that get changed every 6 months. Have a vague understanding that Jesus was just a guy who wanted every to chill out and be nice to one another.

I love how the leftist Christian praxis really comes down to, “Well if you’re just vaguely nice to people then you’re a Good Person and that’s a heckin wholesome Christianity right there.”

Someone named Applejack being stupid

Please don’t tell Saber.

>all the lying pseudo-Christians just gloss over what the Bible says without actually reading
You: yes, let me double down with an absolutely brain dead assurance of that.
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