Thorium is only not a dead project but there's some hilarious shit going on in the repo, hidden around the browser, and a bunch of his other projects is a bunch of furry and some hentai, enjoy your furry porn if you to want but why is it in a web browser

For context see the links in the comments on this thread

Trigger warning, the repo includes some disgusting material also! 

@BrodieOnLinux It gets worse, apparently the repo also had some CP too, based on the comments in the issue! 👀

Trigger warning, the repo includes some disgusting material also! 

@NovaViper Has anybody actually confirmed that or just read the title of the repo


Trigger warning, the repo includes some disgusting material also! 

@BrodieOnLinux @NovaViper

There's a clone of "" in
Some anti-circumcision website with a lot of "medical" images

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