@gunkslinger A criminal is by definition someone that does not follow the law, so saying it by itself does not mean anything

The point this is referencing is that it's effective to make acts themselves illegal instead of the tools used for them

@applejack Why are laws made? Is it not to describe criminal acts as such and to prescribe punishments if committed?

You and I seem to have very different conceptions of criminality.


@gunkslinger It's only criminal after the law says so. It's not my conception, that's just the definition

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The chief purpose of the law in my opinion is to define what "property" consists of, and therefore who has a right to say "No." in respect to it's "proper" "appropriation" and use. Typically the starting place for that conception is one's own "propriety" (aka: self-ownership & bodily autonomy). Violation of that dissent is what makes something illegal, and when the individual is unrepentant then they may be exiled and deemed an "outlaw", meaning they no longer have the protection of the law or right to seek redress of their grievances via legal channels.
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