Random rambling 

>People proudly showing they are the "Owner" of a Discord server, thinking it makes them look cool.

Are you really the "owner" of a Discord server, if they get to take it down whenever they want or otherwise do with it as they please?


Random rambling 

@finlaydag33k Are you really the owner of your house/car when you have to pay property tax and they take it away if you don't/can't? Actually, wait, this applies to everything

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re: Random rambling 

@applejack @finlaydag33k software as a limited revokable service and being alive in slavery

Random rambling 

@applejack @finlaydag33k True, abolish taxes. Let people own things again.

re: Random rambling 

@Noraweed @applejack @finlaydag33k the economy is so extractative that the options are neetmaxxing or being put in an adult daycare program by the employment office. everything is fake and those who do contribute aren't able to retire ever and can only afford the bare essentials.

Random rambling 

@applejack Not really, we own a car that we haven't paid any taxes on for the last 5 years and won't have to pay taxes on anytime soon, nor can they take it away.
It's just not allowed to be on the public road.
Transporting is done on a trailer (it then turns into "cargo").

As for the house: We own the house (the building itself), the taxes are because we do not own the ground it stands on (in theory, we can just move it if we wanted to - not very practical tho)

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