@Junes firefox doesnt support the video file type that modern cellphones use its insane
It's a small price to pay for the peace of mind of knowing you use a browser that supports trans rights.
It's a small price to pay for the peace of mind of knowing you use a browser that supports trans rights while still being able to exercise performative leftist hatred of corporations that parrot every ideological viewpoint you believe in.
@Hoss @Junes @creamqueen damn i sure do hate google let me use this google funded anti-monopoly breakup project instead
@mischievoustomato @Junes @creamqueen @Hoss i use firefox because chrome is gay and retarded and less featureful
usually im using palemoon though i just havent bothered reinstalling it
@maija @Junes @creamqueen @Hoss chrome uses less ram and power for me so i use it over ff. ff doesn't do anything special to prefer it over anything else ngl
@mischievoustomato @Junes @creamqueen @Hoss @maija oh i see
chrome is for turd worlders in brown countries who can't afford modern computers
and boomers who don't know what chrome is, don't know what a browser is, and don't know how it got installed
It's not Tomato's computer that's the problem. Sometimes the donkey powering the generator gets tired and his power goes down for thirty minutes.
@Hoss @Junes @creamqueen @skylar @mischievoustomato if only tomato wasn't an incel he could put some of the femboys he lusts after to use generating electricity
@mischievoustomato @Junes @creamqueen @skylar @Hoss @maija some of us are actualy wizards already we dont have sex becayse we dont care about sex. you might get wizzard powers wich is just gona be you maturing into a beast you were not before and now you are better than 99% of people
@mischievoustomato @Junes @creamqueen @skylar @Hoss @maija if you dont mess around and ruin your mind with stupid relationships and drama u will become like a buddha
Back before the Internet was around to sap away Incels' vast reserves of Vril to be squandered on impotent seething it was channeled into civilizational-impacting pursuits like inventing Buddhism.
Unless you are a jeet, then you just try to make not nutting a religion.
@Dudebro @Junes @creamqueen @skylar @mischievoustomato @Hoss @maija i see more whites trying to do that pajeets some might if they ar tantras but thats about it and they still fuck their wife
Thats thanks to single mothers and a gynocentric society. Whites would have never even thought of it if some poo didnt invent it.

@Dudebro @dick @creamqueen @Junes @skylar @mischievoustomato @Hoss @maija These stats would probably be much more useful if you controlled for race

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