@Jim >have the time to play Disgaea
@Sunliver @josh @olgravyleg a wall of academic books, a shelf of shota books
@josh lot's of white trash do it where I am, but it's always shitty rap songs
@josh godhatesfags.com
@josh I would say Westboro Baptist but going outside and holding picket signs is gay
@josh chocolate covered pizza followed by super-important-message-reply-to-viral-tweet followed by troony super-positive response to heckler. It's layers upon layers of cringe.
@josh I wanted to see what's on the charts.
@josh Tyler Durden can look like whatever he wants to, he's not real. The line was really "Jack" talking to himself.
@josh how did they get it so right?
@YorkshireReborn @josh not sure where you're getting "kuiwi", it would be "kiui", there is a "wi" character in Japanese but it's antiquated and fell out of use.
New York finally decided to try an idea posited by The Wire back in 2005 https://www.nationalreview.com/news/new-york-city-opens-nations-first-government-sanctioned-drug-injection-sites/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=breaking&utm_campaign=newstrack&utm_term=25876166
reached for the secret too soon