don't know if I can do it this year, but worth a try.

ps. I used this generator

Day 3
I want to fully paint this pic later.
It's so hard to crop and post it on Twitter though.

Day 4 Spit-roasting

can this one be counted as day 5's (anal sex) too?

Day 5 Anal sex

I wanted a couple of characters that can do what the dumb friend and the perv friend can't for a while. I didn't mean to at first but Aoi and the green hair boi suits it eventually.

Day 6 Surrender

I got carried away doing this.
Don't worry, Ace is a pro wrekter. He got no serious injury, he has trained well (or will be trained well, I don't know, yet...)

Day 8 Orgy
They won't add Simple and clean into Sm//sh
so it ends up complicated and dirty.

Day9 Exhibitionism
not very in the concept but I guess it's forgivable.

Day 10

I want to draw them but they're not very kinky, so...

Day 11 Pet play
well.... It's pet's play, or pet plays, or pet's played
I don't know it anymore


@autumn_snow for a moment i thought that was double D getting spitroasted by the gang😂

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