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The EFF published an article about ISP-level deplatforming and recently tweeted about it. The replies are a cesspit of anti-freedom gender-people crying about the Kiwi Farms.

Even though the article explicitly mentions that they don't care if the Kiwi Farms goes down and they love trans people and all the LGBTQIAP+ people, there are trannies in the replies actively calling to dox the two female "collaborators".
Apparently the thing is that JavaScript does some undefined behavior with the operators between non-integer types such as arrays and stuff. So, rather than saying "you can't add or substract to an array" like in any fucking normal programming language, it allows it but it does whatever it feels like. It sometimes becomes an integer, sometimes a string, and sometimes it says "fuck it, this is undefined and this is not a valid expression".
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"Konami as a company has decided to sell off the rights to Silent Hill to Randy Pitchford."
Breaking gaming news: Microsoft just announced a buyout offer for Konami. "We didn't even really want them but when we saw Silent Hill 2 as a PS5 console exclusive we thought it would be funny to just straight up take that from them. I mean what the fuck are they gonna do about it? Nothing."

@hj @Moon might have been one of those Beat Saber arcade cabinets at one point

@Chronomemes "please delete some apps"

*looks at the Space Required bar*

so many things nowadays don't have documentation, they just point you at a discord server. this is because nobody makes or does anything anymore, they just chat on the internet with eachother. in 10 years there wont actually even be software anymore, just discord groups where people can chat about what software might be like if it existed

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RT @kaliivvs
Racist Check: Type "Nig" and press what comes up in the middle

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RT @ThecureEllie
@JessWal61214376 Turns out I don’t need a medal to tell me I’m a good guy.

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RT @alt_nazar1328
Woke up to this. What the hell 🤨

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RT @L1ghtsword
Good morning ☺️✨️

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.