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I hate whores. It started with their rampant DMCA abuse, then how they retroactively claim their commercial products are 'revenge porn', the unearned leverage they have over search engines to censor results just because their commercial work happens to include their nudity.

But now I see they're a really, really bad influence on women in general. A woman knows a """sex worker""" and she tells them how violent her johns are, how they'd pay her extra to let them slap her around, and she passes this tidbit off to her friends who then think men are sexually violent rapists and they just hold this as a universal truth. When, obviously, the reality is simply that a whore's clients are going to be either mentally or physically mangled, because who else pays for sex?

And then to complicate things further, women tend to be naturally against pornography, but then many of those same women are pro-"sex work"! Only because society has said that is a valid career, and that women are empowered by it. When really, they should look at "sex workers" - both common whores and digital prostitutes - as a mockery of what a woman is, the same way you look at a tranny as just an adulteration of a man.

Very frustrating. You just want to shake people until all the loose parts fall out. People can be so close to just accepting cold reality, but stubbornly cling to what they were taught and just accepted as true, in the name of "being polite".

It's really time to stop being polite, stop giving a fuck about the welfare of lower lifeforms, and start looking out for yourselves first. If smart people allowed themselves to be more selfish, we'd all be better off. Instead, the smartest people in society are trained to obsess over the comfort of the most useless cunts alive.
I keep checking back on Twitter to see if I'm unbanned so I can make the world's best tweet ever made, but every time I do I am suggested random bullshit that makes me want to slit my fucking throat and die.
@n3f_X the first ten seasons of south park are some of the greatest television. the movie is one of the best animated musicals ever made. it's the only thing i get boomer nostalgic for.

there are so many episodes that you remember fondly as distinct plots, but turn out to be A/B plots from the same episode that both hit as S+ in memory.

At some point they get big headed and start deliberately attempting to be "memetic" and really cinematic, that's when it falls apart. Modern era "Zombie" South Park has no teeth, they are too pussy to deliberately offend anyone.
>struggle for days trying to figure out why monitor mount isn't even
>solution was to manually grab and tilt monitor to adjust
What's your thoughts on the theory that Twitter is at imminent risk of technical catastrophe because of the layoffs?
before covid disaster , people forced to come to office and work there even if they can work remotely but covid changed everything for people to can choose how and where they work if they could

before Elon take over the Twitter,
people forced to pretend to be polite and respect their divergence each other
but Elon changed everything for people to left Twitter and be honest to themselves so people started to use N or F word to make fun of their divergence

people can never changes by themselves
I'm passing on a PC and want to reformat the drives with an arbitrary bit write so it's securely deleted. What's the cool kid way of doing this?
1. internally take over company with a century of world famous cartoons
2. extend copyright laws indefinitely
3. push gay shit
4. buy up all smaller studios that have also made kid's shows
5. make all new media LGTBQIAP+Black pozzed
6. strengthen international copyright enforcement
7. sell disney+ subscriptions to the millions of parents fleeing gay shit so they can see all the old cartonons you have monopolized


RIP to THE #Batman, Kevin Conroy passed away at the age of 66 unfortunately. This one hurt ngl 😭

#comics #comicbooks #animated #animation

Still waiting for that manga about psychic mayonnaise to drop

"MICHAEL! Did you pay elon musk 8 dollars so you could start screaming total nigger death at people on twitter again?"

"Sorry mom"
CNN reporter: "Now Michael many people are confused as an afro-latino why you are so fond of the phrase TND"

Michael: "Well basically I thought I could do a better job at saving the white race than Nick Fuentes, I mean sure I am afro-latino, but unlike Nick I was born naturally compared to him who was cooked up in an EZ Bake Oven in a mad scientists laboratory."

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