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RT @BrianGrifinGame
People are asking for a fucking super smash bros movie, bruh how the fuck would a smash bros movie work.

Twitter Crosspost 

Newsflash: loser learns that not all right wing people are homophobic. who'd have thought

not endorsing either of the people in this shot by the way, just pointing out the ignorance on display

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Cyclone and his cohorts harassing a kid on the internet because he has a political opinion they don't like

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"Master Chief, what are you doing with cat ears and a bow?"
"Sir, I'm Halo Kitty"

Twitter Crosspost 

RT @FittingDoomIMGs
Excuse me for having this brain dead idea at 4 am

@GorillaRapeFantasy If Telegram deplatformed us I'd have no way to stay in touch.

Letting people use referral codes to assume old accounts is authorized account hijacking.



This has impoverished our country many ways, but most of all, through the expectation that you cannot do something unless government protects it and enforces it.

Thus transsexuals want the government to force everyone to accept them because every other diverse group from the Irish on has demanded the same thing.

The solution is to go back to Natural Rights: you can do whatever you want that is non-destructive, but it is not our job to make you feel good about it.

Get back to nature.

A potential host I was suggested refused to offer service. After replying to him a bit (just for fun; I wanted to see if I could convince him that the mainstream news he reads is complete bullshit), he relented a bit. He said he'd host us if I paid for all his DDoS protection and deleted all threads about anyone transgender because they're a high suicide risk.

I remember when I played Space Station 13. You can play as the AI for the ship, but you have to follow the Asimov rules. The rules are taken quite seriously by game admins. The first rule is: "You may not injure a human being or cause a human being to come to harm."

Thus begets a cheeky gimmick in the game: A person will go to a restricted door and tell the AI, "open door or i kill myself". You know the door is locked for good reason, and he is probably up to no good. However, the first law doesn't allow any wiggle room. Technically, you must open that door.

The tranny is that assistant. He's in his pink jumpsuit and he wants to open your doors and walk into your children's bedroom so he can teach them how to twerk, inject HRT into their carotid artery, and take pictures of themselves crossdressing to send on Discord. "open door or i kill myself", he says, impatiently.

As in Space Station 13, the answer is quite simple. These people are being dicks so you can tell them they're free to kill themselves if they want, and it's not your fucking problem.
"Mr. Augie RFC is it not true that on the 11th of October you were playing video games with a man that said the N word."

*Augie is unable to hear the prosecutors question over the keemstar mod that keeps screaming nigger in game


Twitter Crosspost 

RT @Hyper_Falcon
Interesting that Mongolia abstained.
Probably because of their neighbors.

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RT @Turbofurby
Due to a conversation with @Hyper_Falcon , I made some color schemes for Gundam MS with Ace Combat Liveries. Pictured are:

Mihaly Custom Zaku II
Mobius One Custom Gundam Mark II
Mobius One Custom Zeta Gundam + Waverider (Waverider colors aren't 100% accurately translated over)

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RT @fernpuby_
she A on my pex til I Legends

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RT @MutantDogz
Some more screenshots from Gunman Chronicles! The creatures remind me of the ones from the game natural selection maybe they were made by the same person.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.