Toriel- captures and keeps little boys to be her personal toys and pleasure things. In deltarune, you just know that she secretly encourages all the little boys to go completely bottomless in her kindergarten. She is addicted to the sight of all those underage cocks bouncing and flipping about.

Rouge the Bat and Vanilla The Rabbit are a dangerous pedo duo. Rouge kidnapes little boys by luring them with her sexy body, once she has them and brings them to her home with Vanilla, they spend days and weeks spoiling them rotten like all little boys should

@bratlounge @Harold I bet cream has learned terrible things from her mother already. easily flaunting her fluffy tail to lure peds into her room


@LoliKing you God damn know it! Cream is prime, fresh and ripe pedo bait. She tastes as sweet as her name sounds

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