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grinding out online classes rn
not very fun but im channeling my inner sisyphus
gotta grind this out to get that degree

college rly be like "hey can u follow this document and also read some stuff and write some stuff"
as a gamer i shall crush college

re: rant about politics 

went on a walk and thought about this a bit more clearly

there's authoritarianism on both sides over here and im not siding with any

there are a lot of activists at my uni and they're all insuffrable little shits
legitimately if you dont actively denounce the president you get called out as a supporter of the president

they go on about "protecting free speech" yet they want to force people to say "i am against the president"

forced speech is not free speech
forced speech is worse than censorship

fuck these college activists man

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rant about politics 

oh to have to experience retarded local politics

the government isnt the be all end all bitches, the only person who gains xp and levels up your life is you

government is going to be filled with crony capitalists and corrupt politicians, since those are the types that are attracted to government rule

if you constantly think abouy this shit every fucking day no wonder you arent ok

the fuck are you doing talking politics youre failing three classes and your hair is dying because of the amount of shit you put in it go fix yourself first before you go out and be political

“Pogger” is a slur, only streamers are allowed to say it. The more politically correct alternative is “champ of pogs”

they say find a passion but my passion for music is waning

i say i want to do cybersecurity but i have not taken steps towards that


some stats need to be reallocated
my build needs tuning
i need to minmax for a different class

i've been reading too much ancient gamer strats that i've been neglecting the modern gamers

i find myself listening to the likes of jocko willink and jordan peterson to learn of their gamer ways

judge by the skill of their game and not by the color of their skin

gamers are a WHO and not a WHAT

"Music Theory is Racist"

damn what a title
i aint touching that video, nope, not watching it

politically charged clickbait to rake in advertising money

educational channels on youtube all of a sudden becoming political

thats a big yikes

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.