
In theory, the $22 trillion US debt could be paid off in 6 years if 100% of US tax revenues from the $4 trillion annual budget went toward the debt and Social Security was ended.

This will not happen because the elites have paid off the politicians and too many people make money from welfare and the wars.

The only end to the debt will be a a total collapse of the economy like the USSR.

No one knows, but a stock market crash could happen in the next 10 years. Social Security will be bankrupt in 2034.

Leaving now would be the best bet.

Consider moving to Chile or New Zealand.

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If your friend came to your house and said:

I just bought this shiny new car with all the options on your credit card and for the down payment and forged your signature on the paperwork. Oh and here is your driver's license back I borrowed for the ID check.

You would call the police and the bank to cancel the note. The police would repo the car to the dealer.

We do not owe any of it as it is a scam from the start. It must be repudiated. The banks will not write notes not guaranteed by the government but they have no right to turn around and endebt us as a third party.

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