
Americans want to live in a happy paradise with high wages, no guns, no blacks, no Muslims, no Jews, no illegal immigrants, no beggars, no smokers, no straws, and no flag-burning, but how did tyranny work out for the USSR?

Do you really want to live in a world where everyone is a mindless sheep, everyone has the same thinking, and everyone wears the same clothes?

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@dcjogger'd like to live in a world where everyone's a libertarian right?


That's one of the oxymorons of freedom.
Give the people the freedom to choose, and they will always choose to conform with each other.

Its why all the social groups you remember back in school were easily recognisable because they often dressed the same, listen to the same music, the same shows, even ate the same food.

Liberty is something that must appeal to the group as well as the individual. And some groups seem to put great effort to disenfranchise freedom

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