In the movie âI, Robotâ the actor Will Smith played a detective who distrusted robots. But all of the other characters in the film believed he was paranoid because, after all, what could possibly go wrong? And therein lies the irony of technology today: The human mind can conceive of the most imaginative ways to apply science while simultaneously ignoring the warnings from history.
Add Our seeming compulsion to bring about what We've seen potrayed in fictional media regardless of obvious flaws in the full implimentation that otherwise would never be considered such as the awful flip phone design We had to suffer because of star trek communicators or the beeline We're taking towards creating fricking skynet from the Terminator flicks because of the vast benefits to humanity gained from having all Our household appliences with always on connectivity to the internet and equiped with microphones and cameras enabeling lives to be saved and enriching the lives of children far outweighing the little bit of genocide a quantum general ai will engage in while continuing to ignore the health issues involved in being bathed in emf radiation as just because We induce diabetes in lab rats for clinical studies by subjecting them to an emf @3.4Ghz doesn't mean the same holds true for humanbeings and therefore We simply won't conduct studies and will just go forward with 5g. Don't want to monkeywrench big brother in everyones pockets over a little nothing like congenital heart disease now do We?