
The press can get Americans outraged about Kavanaugh or Smollett, but a week later Americans will totally forget who Kavanaugh or Smollett are.

The elites could get Americans angry enough about tyranny, debt, and wars with 24/7 media coverage that Americans will get out into the streets with torches and pitchforks, but the ruling class won't do this because the 1% wouldn't benefit.

The globalists just want Americans to be distracted, depraved, degraded, and divided with bread and circuses.

Americans may have heard about NSA wiretapping or bump stock bans, but Americans don't know about no knock raids, kill lists, or NDAA indefinite detention without trial.

Americans only want to keep their heads in the sand and believe that they live in a free and peaceful country with a balanced budget.

Americans simply just don't give a shit now and will easily go to the concentration camps.

The US collapse is frustrating for American patriots who care about liberty. How you can you save someone who loves their chains?

Those who love freedom should urgently try to raise money or crowdfund to make art, make songs, produce films, make websites, sponsor billboards, pass out flyers promoting liberty and raise awareness about the police state.

Americans deserve everything coming to them, but if there will be any change, the resistance will come from a core of brave men who are willing to give up everything to fight for freedom.

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