Here's what I think is actually gonna happen. The kikes are gonna crash the economy Weimar-style and introduce Zuckerberg's Libra as the new global currency. Then they're going to introduce a social credit system and
make it so that Whites lose social credit score if they mate in their race, and terrorize us subtly and in a more coercive than forceful manner.
They might even make a sex change a social credit score reward. Whites will be able to refuse, but the Jews will make White dissidents homeless if they choose to have a White family, follow traditional gender roles, or even refuse to live by a non-white. The Jews could implement this well before Whites are even a minority in the West.Tragically, most Whites will be content with that, as it would still technically be legal for Whites to refuse; they'd just be penalized to the point where they can't buy even a loaf of bread, no matter how rich they are.
You see, these types of kikes aren't the inbred retards from the Middle East, they are quite inventive when it comes to inventing new ways to control a population. It's a tragedy the Romans didn't exterminate and replace them almost 2,000 years ago, when Europe represented sixty-percent of the World's population.
The Jews wont't have to repeal any of the amendments in the US constitution. It's redundant.
They only need to implement a social credit system with the (((free market))) and reduce the social credit score of anyone who exercises their rights to the point where one's living on the street, at the mercy of the Brown hordes.