
Americans simply cannot recognize hypocrisy.

Playboys scream girls are sluts and then players turn around and sleep with them.

Americans say North Korea is evil because they torture and have nuclear weapons, but the US also tortures and has nuclear bombs.

Americans hate Obama because Obama loves war, debt, and tyranny, but Trump also supports war, debt, and the police state.

Nazis hate Jews because Jews push immorality, wars, debt, and tyranny, but Fascists also support immorality, wars, debt, and tyranny.

Racists hate immigrants, but racists had families that were immigrants.

Racists lose their minds when blacks say that blacks are poor because of white people, but racists then turn around and blame Jews for keeping white people down.

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@dcjogger You can have sex with sluts while wishing you could find somebody to settle down with. What bothers me is not that some women are not what I want, but that none of them are what I want, since my wife died.

@dcjogger Long term wants are not the same as recreational sex wants.

@dcjogger You should watch to my "Hippie vs Nazi" video. I pretty much get Chris Cantwell (The Crying Nazi) to admit that he believes that Jews are superior.

Long show, but fun.

@Nobody @dcjogger So you believe in Jewish privilege? How antisemitic of you.
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