Can't you feel it?
Something is very wrong with the USA. These past two years of accelerationism and watching this spectacle unfold; I didn't think it was this bad. Strategically speaking, we are ripe for invasion, if it hasn't already happened.
Legislatures have passed terrible law (family law, hate crime, victimless crime laws, etc.) for the past 30 years.
American Universities are turning impressionable young adults into programmed zombies buried in their smartphone.
Local public schools are teaching the greatness of homosexuality and encouraging CHILDREN to become something other than the person they were born.
The family has been destroyed. Reproduction is on the decline.
Marriage means nothing.
Lying, being unfaithful, back stabbing is encouraged and rewarded. There are no consequences for the behavior.
Jews against everyone, everyone against Jews. Blacks against whites. Whites are bad. They're terrible! They're "TERRORISTS!" (How is that supposed to make me feel as a white male Marine Corps Veteran?)
People who loved their country, the memories of camping or time with their friends or family; the good times in the country that they feel happy being apart of are now enemies.
Memes are "hate speech."
This country is being ripped apart. Legislatures have degenerated into complete anarchy.
Courts are barely functional and are forced to uphold the laws that the chaotic Legislatures pass.
No more use for logic. Everything is based on feelings and outrage.
No unity.
This is all a cover for what is really going on. We are not functional as a society anymore. The Truman show has failed.
The majority of Americans are obese and wouldn't know how to lift a hammer or a saw if given to them.
The majority of Americans are so emotionally fragile someone saying something they don't like will ruin their day.
Lazy, entitled.
Official and long trusted institutions now hijacked by people who attack the population.
Corporations consolidating power and clamping down on whatever rights we ever had.
Banks making debt slaves of everyone.
I hate to say this, but something is coming. I don't know what, but I feel it. With every crazy thing that I see happening in this country, I fear this would even be worse than Hannibal's taunting of Rome. This situation is ripe for an invasion.
What better time? Who is it? Better yet, what will you do? I think you all better start thinking of this and rapidly be preparing.