
I think you missed a meeting or perhaps the last 10 years as the destruction of Western civilization has accelerated. The Jews fucking hate us and want us gone. They'll use anything we do and coat it with lies and deception to make us look bad. It won't stop, a political solution is impossible, they are too entrenched and the plan too far down the road for them to even consider going back.

You carry on being the slow-boil frog at any sign of rebellion as you watch your world and all that you cherish tarnished, ridiculed and ultimately destroyed, I want the fuck out of the pot and throw the boiling water in their smug faces. We have incredible, untapped power and the harder we fight, the more they over-reach, bringing more into our fold. It's a story as old as recorded history and probably before that. Freedom fighters do win, not always, but often enough to make the struggle worthwhile.

Each to their own I suppose, but I want to go down fighting because I have a family and I don't want them growing up into the shitty brown serf-world the cunts in power have planned for them.

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Don't a lot of groups want each other gone?

The lesbian feminists want men gone especially innocent pedophiles.

The muslims want anyone non-muslim gone.

A lot of Christians want to Jews gone.

The Chinese will tolerate us as long we let them be the boss.

Where does it all stop?
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