
Thinking that the world will have a new white empire is difficult if racists can't even agree if Italians are white or not.

Nazis think Hitler was a saint for wanting to kill the Jews, but then fascists turn around and scream Hitler didn't kill any Jews.

Racists say Hitler was just an innocent victim with a weak army and Stalin had a huge and well-organzied military.

Nazis think that Hitler was the Great White Hope, but what if Hitler had millions of white people killed?

What if one of the main winners of WWII were the Jews because the Jews won a victim card and were given Israel?

What if the point of WWII was that Hitler believed that life was brutal and a struggle for the survival of fittest?

Who can take the moral high ground if Jews, Nazis, and Communists all support immorality, wars, debt, and tyranny?

White people say that they are victims of the Jews, but can't white people be like the Jews and start stock markets, movie studios, newspapers, and radio/TV stations?

How can white people have a white empire when Germans hate the Russians, the French hate the English, and the Hatfields hate the McCoys?

White people might be happy if all the Jews, Mexicans, negroes, Muslims, and homosexuals were killed off, but after a few years, people might start complaining about those weird Amish or the fucking hippies and the gas chambers will be opened up again.

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