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Americans say a civil war would mean a country like China or Russia would exploit the division of the US and try to invade, but no foreign nation attacked the USA during the first Civil War. Japan did invade China during the Chinese civil war, but the Communists and Nationalists united to fight the Japanese.

The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state now headed for a certain collapse. Americans need to wake up.

Americans are comfortable with food, TV, sex, beer, weed, and AC, but things could decline in a hurry when the US Ponzi economy implodes, Communists come to power in 2020 or 2024, or guns are confiscated.

You can either be a zombie and accept the ruling class support for wars, debt, and tyranny, move abroad or buy a sailboat, or be a rebel and attack the elites, Gestapo, and politicians.

Voting will not work because the US is not a democracy.

Americans must start buying food, gold, and guns or plan to leave.

Americans should urgently try to educate everyone on the dangers or wars, debt, and tyranny. Make a website, talk to people, pass out flyers, and sponsor billboards.

What will you do when the government steals your house, your ATM card doesn't work, the Gestapo shoot people in the street, and a starving man tries to stab you with a butter knife to steal a can of corn?

Guns will help Americans fight tyranny, but Iceland, Ukraine, and Egypt overthrew their governments without guns.

Cubans and North Koreans tolerate tyranny, but are Americans cowards, too?

Fighting Iran for Israel is pointless and doesn't sound exciting, but dying fighting traitors who support debt, censorship, closing churches, gun control, NSA wiretapping, forfeiture, torture, indefinite detention without trial, the end of the right to silence, and kill lists would be worthwhile.

@dcjogger No taxpayer should be forced to support illegal aliens.

Americans say a civil war would mean a country like China or Russia would exploit the division of the US and try to invade, but no foreign nation attacked the USA during the first Civil War. Japan did invade China during the Chinese civil war, but the Communists and Nationalists united to fight the Japanese.

The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state now headed for a certain collapse. Americans need to wake up.

Americans are comfortable with food, TV, sex, beer, weed, and AC, but things could decline in a hurry when the US Ponzi economy implodes, Communists come to power in 2020 or 2024, or guns are confiscated.

You can either be a zombie and accept the ruling class support for wars, debt, and tyranny, move abroad or buy a sailboat, or be a rebel and attack the elites, Gestapo, and politicians.

Voting will not work because the US is not a democracy.

Americans must start buying food, gold, and guns or plan to leave.

Americans should urgently try to educate everyone on the dangers or wars, debt, and tyranny. Make a website, talk to people, pass out flyers, and sponsor billboards.

What will you do when the government steals your house, your ATM card doesn't work, the Gestapo shoot people in the street, and a starving man tries to stab you with a butter knife to steal a can of corn?

Guns will help Americans fight tyranny, but Iceland, Ukraine, and Egypt overthrew their governments without guns.

Cubans and North Koreans tolerate tyranny, but are Americans cowards, too?

Fighting Iran for Israel is pointless and doesn't sound exciting, but dying fighting traitors who support debt, censorship, closing churches, gun control, NSA wiretapping, forfeiture, torture, indefinite detention without trial, the end of the right to silence, and kill lists would be worthwhile.

The USA used to have open borders, but now Americans want to live in a country like North Korea.

Americans scream that they hate illegal immigrants, but Americans think that the US can kick out illegal aliens without having a police state.

Do you really believe that the government can get rid of illegals without having a wall, concentration camps, checkpoints, immigration raids, license plate readers, DNA collection, and NSA wiretapping?

Do you honestly think that Americans are never arrested by the Border Patrol?

Do you think that closing the border might prevent Americans from leaving?

In the movie “I, Robot” the actor Will Smith played a detective who distrusted robots. But all of the other characters in the film believed he was paranoid because, after all, what could possibly go wrong? And therein lies the irony of technology today: The human mind can conceive of the most imaginative ways to apply science while simultaneously ignoring the warnings from history.

Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the people may use their political democracy to gain economic democracy, begins to destroy political democracy in order to retain its power of exploitation and special privilege.

When Fascism came into power, most people were unprepared, both theoretically and practically. They were unable to believe that man could exhibit such propensities for evil, such lust for power, such disregard for the rights of the weak, or such yearning for submission. Only a few had been aware of the rumbling of the volcano preceding the outbreak.

In the movie “I, Robot” the actor Will Smith played a detective who distrusted robots. But all of the other characters in the film believed he was paranoid because, after all, what could possibly go wrong? And therein lies the irony of technology today: The human mind can conceive of the most imaginative ways to apply science while simultaneously ignoring the warnings from history.

One wonders how much dirt the NSA has on Trump to make him defend the police state so strongly.

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