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@dcjogger Are you a bot or something? You're boosting my posts without reply... you also post the same thing multiple times

@dcjogger when you use the word 'literally' two times in a row. oops, made it three!

If you are a patriot who loves liberty and are obsessed with trying to wake Americans up, you might find that only 10% of people are willing to take the redpill and join the resistance.

Some patriots might feel hopeless and try to drown their despair with alcohol and drugs or commit suicide, but DO NOT throw away your life.

With overwhelming odds, freedom-lovers need every person they can get.

Tomorrow is not going to be better. You cannot vote your way out of tyranny. Why would the elites restore the Bill of Rights now? Who would trust the globalists if they did?

Why wait for the Communists to be elected in 2020 or 2024, the US Ponzi economy to implode, or guns to be confiscated? How much evidence do you need? The collapse is certain.

The war has started. Americans can either flee to another country or buy a sailboat or target the elites, politicians, Gestapo, or soldiers.

One good thing about living in a police state is that tyranny gives you courage because you have nothing left to lose. We are all terrorists today.

The homeless, junkies, illegal immigrants, prostitutes, Muslims, business owners, gun owners, reporters, racists, and protesters are all targets.

Are you just going to go to the concentration camps without saying a word?


@dcjogger Why the hell did you follow me? I'm literally a Communist.

Communists hate racists, but when has diversity worked out anywhere?

Communists hate pollution, but the USSR was environmental catastrophe.

Communists hate businesses and love welfare, but who would want to work if work is punished with taxes and regulations and laziness is rewarded with welfare?

Communists hate guns, but how do you resist tyranny without a gun?

Communists hate morality, but why?

The very same adults who once owned guns, smoked, and drank when they were 20 are now happy to ban anyone under 21 from owning guns, smoking, or drinking.

Those who were raised to be moral might be shocked to find out that their friends steal, have debt, smoke, drink, do drugs, and had sex when they were teens.

Saving the US seems impossible.

No cares that the USA is collapsing and patriots who do care are told to give up and let it fall.

Patriots who try to warn Americans today that their house is on fire are told to shut up while Americans pour gas on the flames.


Americans will never criticize their beloved government overlords, but will vehemently attack anyone who questions the government.

Americans think that everyone should have groupthink and live in echo chambers. Americans absolutely do not have the mental capacity, critical thinking skills, or the ability to debate so anyone who is on the fence is instantly banned.

The elites, Nazis, and Communists all support wars, debt, and the police state. How can anyone take the moral high ground if everyone has the same thinking?

Do you really want to just go to the killing fields without saying a word?


Communists hate racists, but when has diversity worked out anywhere?

Communists hate pollution, but the USSR was environmental catastrophe.

Communists hate businesses and love welfare, but who would want to work if work is punished with taxes and regulations and laziness is rewarded with welfare?

Communists hate guns, but how do you resist tyranny without a gun?

Communists hate morality, but why?

Communists hate racists, but when has diversity worked out anywhere?

Communists hate pollution, but the USSR was environmental catastrophe.

Communists hate guns, but how do you resist tyranny without a gun?

Communists hate morality, but why?

Communists scream that the US was never a free country because of slavery and Nazis insist that USA could only have blacks because of slavery, but Commies and Fascists are completely unable to explain why the US could have freedom and diversity from 1865 to 2001.

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