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No country in history has ever hated freedom as much as the USA does.

You know that all hope is lost when you talk to 5 Americans in one day and one says that the Bill of Rights should be repealed, another says blacksmithing should be illegal, one swears wearing fur should be a crime, one says private charities should be outlawed, and another says bump stocks must be banned.


The default response American response to the US decline seems to be denial, to attack the messenger, and to praise their beloved government overlords.

Part of the reason that the US is rapidly collapsing now is that Americans are all thin-skinned control freaks and think the police state only applies to others, but that they are exempt from tyranny.

Nazis are overjoyed when negroes are jailed for wearing baggy pants, but then racists are shocked when Fascists are arrested for using hate speech.

Fascists scream with delight when Communists are arrested for wearing a mask, but then racists are stunned when Nazis are arrested for owning a gun.

No one is safe in a police state. Billionaires, politicians, and the Gestapo could all be arrested. Dictators can be toppled.

Americans say that they hate the elites, but then Americans turn around and embrace everything the Jews are selling.

Americans insist that the globalists oppose immorality, illegal immigration, debt, the police state, and wars, but if the 1% controls Hollywood, the media, Wall Street, and the government then why is there immorality, illegal immigrants, debt, tyranny, and wars?

If the ruling class controls everything and supported morality, balanced budgets, freedom, and peace then the USA today would look like the US did in 1960.

If the elites oppose feminism then why do movies and the media praise females and criticize men?

If the ruling class opposes population control then why are birth control, assisted suicide, and abortion legal?

If the ruling powers support morality then why is morality mocked and homosexuality praised?

Would the US have a debt if the globalists opposed debt?

Would the USA be at war if the elites opposed wars?

Do you honestly believe that the US would be a police state if the 1% supported the Bill of Rights?

Jews, Nazis, and Commies all support immorality, illegal immigrants, debt, the police state, and wars and scream that they are different.

Americans love groupthink and living in an echo chamber.

Americans have absolutely no critical thinking skills, cannot see hypocrisy, do not recognize unintended consequences, do not know history, and deal with cognitive dissonance by using mental gymnastics and making up facts to match their narrative.

Americans insist anyone who supports war, debt, and tyranny is normal and anyone who loves peace, balanced budgets, and freedom is a nutjob and should be censored, get an IRS audit, arrested, or killed.

Americans scream a trade war ended the Great Depression.

Americans insist Hitler was a saint and no one died during WWII.

Americans scream the US never had black people before today.

Americans swear that the US doesn't have any churches.

Americans claim the US always had food stamps, TSA groping, CIA torture, checkpoints, and NSA wiretapping.

Americans say the USA never had a balanced budget.

Americans swear that the US has been at war every day since 1776.

The US is collapsing into mass insanity.

Absolutely disgusting.

Some Americans may have thought that tyranny would never come to the US because the rich, celebrities, media, politicians, and American people would resist.

Who would have thought that the rich would loot the country by getting bailouts and subsidies while being the ones conspiring and building the police state by paying actors, singers, and atheletes to distract Americans with bread and circuses, using reporters to push propaganda, real crises, and false flags, and buying off and corrupting politicians with campaign donations and cushy job promises to start wars, import refugees that weaken and divide the US, drive up the debt, make laws that enslave Americans, and throw crumbs to pacify the 99% in the form of food stamps, Obamacare, Obamaphones, and public housing?

The destruction of the USA is nearly complete.

Some Americans may have thought that tyranny would never come to the US because the rich, celebrities, media, politicians, and American people would resist.

Who would have thought that the rich would loot the country by getting bailouts and subsidies while being the ones conspiring and building the police state by paying actors, singers, and atheletes to distract Americans with bread and circuses, using reporters to push propaganda, real crises, and false flags, and buying off and corrupting politicians with campaign donations and cushy job promises to start wars, import refugees that weaken and divide the US, drive up the debt, make laws that enslave Americans, and throw crumbs to pacify the 99% in the form of food stamps, Obamacare, Obamaphones, and public housing?

The destruction of the USA is nearly complete.

The default response American response to the US decline seems to be denial, to attack the messenger, and to praise their beloved government overlords.

Part of the reason that the US is rapidly collapsing now is that Americans are all thin-skinned control freaks and think the police state only applies to others, but that they are exempt from tyranny.

Nazis are overjoyed when negroes are jailed for wearing baggy pants, but then racists are shocked when Fascists are arrested for using hate speech.

Fascists scream with delight when Communists are arrested for wearing a mask, but then racists are stunned when Nazis are arrested for owning a gun.

No one is safe in a police state. Billionaires, politicians, and the Gestapo could all be arrested. Dictators can be toppled.

Americans say that they hate the elites, but then Americans turn around and embrace everything the Jews are selling.

Americans insist that the globalists oppose immorality, illegal immigration, debt, the police state, and wars, but if the 1% controls Hollywood, the media, Wall Street, and the government then why is there immorality, illegal immigrants, debt, tyranny, and wars?

If the ruling class controls everything and supported morality, balanced budgets, freedom, and peace then the USA today would look like the US did in 1960.

If the elites oppose feminism then why do movies and the media praise females and criticize men?

If the ruling class opposes population control then why are birth control, assisted suicide, and abortion legal?

If the ruling powers support morality then why is morality mocked and homosexuality praised?

Would the US have a debt if the globalists opposed debt?

Would the USA be at war if the elites opposed wars?

Do you honestly believe that the US would be a police state if the 1% supported the Bill of Rights?

Jews, Nazis, and Commies all support immorality, illegal immigrants, debt, the police state, and wars and scream that they are different.

Americans love groupthink and living in an echo chamber.

Americans have absolutely no critical thinking skills, cannot see hypocrisy, do not recognize unintended consequences, do not know history, and deal with cognitive dissonance by using mental gymnastics and making up facts to match their narrative.

Americans insist anyone who supports war, debt, and tyranny is normal and anyone who loves peace, balanced budgets, and freedom is a nutjob and should be censored, get an IRS audit, arrested, or killed.

Americans scream a trade war ended the Great Depression.

Americans insist Hitler was a saint and no one died during WWII.

Americans scream the US never had black people before today.

Americans swear that the US doesn't have any churches.

Americans claim the US always had food stamps, TSA groping, CIA torture, checkpoints, and NSA wiretapping.

Americans say the USA never had a balanced budget.

Americans swear that the US has been at war every day since 1776.

The US is collapsing into mass insanity.

Absolutely disgusting.

No country in history has ever hated freedom as much as the USA does.

You know that all hope is lost when you talk to 5 Americans in one day and one says that the Bill of Rights should be repealed, another says blacksmithing should be illegal, one swears wearing fur should be a crime, one says private charities should be outlawed, and another says bump stocks must be banned.


The default response American response to the US decline seems to be denial, to attack the messenger, and to praise their beloved government overlords.

Part of the reason that the US is rapidly collapsing now is that Americans think the police state only applies to others, but that they are exempt from tyranny.

Nazis are overjoyed when negroes are jailed for wearing baggy pants, but then racists are shocked when Fascists are arrested for using hate speech.

Fascists scream with delight when Communists are arrested for wearing a mask, but then racists are stunned when Nazis are arrested for owning a gun.

No one is safe in a police state. Billionaires, politicians, and the Gestapo could all be arrested. Dictators can be toppled.

Americans say that they hate the elites, but then Americans turn around and embrace everything the Jews are selling.

Americans insist that the globalists oppose immorality, illegal immigration, debt, the police state, and wars, but if the 1% controls Hollywood, the media, Wall Street, and the government then why is there immorality, illegal immigrants, debt, tyranny, and wars?

If the ruling class controls everything and supported morality, balanced budgets, freedom, and peace then the USA today would look like the US did in 1960.

If the elites oppose feminism then why do movies and the media praise females and criticize men?

If the ruling class opposes population control then why are birth control, assisted suicide, and abortion legal?

If the ruling powers support morality then why is morality mocked and homosexuality praised?

Would the US have a debt if the globalists opposed debt?

Would the USA be at war if the elites opposed wars?

Do you honestly believe that the US would be a police state if the 1% supported the Bill of Rights?

Jews, Nazis, and Commies all support immorality, illegal immigrants, debt, the police state, and wars and scream that they are different.

Americans love groupthink and living in an echo chamber.

Americans have absolutely no critical thinking skills, cannot see hypocrisy, do not recognize unintended consequences, do not know history, and deal with cognitive dissonance by using mental gymnastics and making up facts to match their narrative.

Americans scream a trade war ended the Great Depression.

Americans insist Hitler was a saint and no one died during WWII.

Americans scream the US never had black people before today.

Americans swear that the US doesn't have any churches.

Americans claim the US always had food stamps, TSA groping, CIA torture, checkpoints, and NSA wiretapping.

Americans say the USA never had a balanced budget.

Americans swear that the US has been at war every day since 1776.

The US is collapsing into mass insanity.


If you love liberty and have posted thousands of comments and articles about freedom and no one listened, would you give up or would your conscience bother you too much?

Will you wish that you had done more when you get sent to concentration camps?

What if Americans never get sent to the concentration camps?

Are you bothered that American soldiers died for freedom and the US ended up as a police state?

Do Americans deserve to be saved?

Does the USA go from freedom to tyranny to civil war?

Couldn't there be a mass awakening?

Couldn't Americans protest for freedom?

Couldn't Americans stop obeying the laws and paying taxes?

Why don't politicians repeal laws?

Why don't courts strike down unconstitutional laws?

Why do the Gestapo and soldiers side with the elites instead of refusing to arrest Americans?

Will the globalists surrender without violence?

The American response to the US collapse is to deny that the USA is decaying, praise their beloved government overlords, and attack anyone who criticizes the government.

Americans simply seem unable to recognize cause and effect.

If the government destroys the economy with regulations, Americans slam private charities that help the homeless.

If the Gestapo arrest someone for smoking at Burger King, Americans blame Burger King.

If the government fails to protect the border, Americans criticize a nonprofit that tries to construct a private border wall.

When the US starts wars that lead to refugees, Americans attack churches that help house the refugees.

When the NSA unconstitutionally wiretaps Americans 24/7, Americans criticize Google.

When the government starts a trade war that reduces US exports and raises prices, Americans criticize China.

When the government uses asset forfeiture, Americans attack the ACLU for suing the government.

When the government steals money at the point of a gun from taxpayers to fund food stamps, Americans attack Walmart for selling food that helps lazy people become fat.

Americans absolutely don't care that the government has outlawed everything, but Americans become batshit insane when they hear that private prisons have government contracts to lock people up.

Americans don't mind that regulations have destroyed the economy and has lead to homelessness, but Americans lose their minds that the Gestapo don't arrest the homeless for public urination.

Americans don't care that female circumcision is illegal, but Americans become outraged when they find out that male circumcision is legal.


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