The USA used to be a free country and you could trust the news. Now the US is a police state, the corporations and the government are the same, and the media just tells lies.
When the US was a free country, everyone thought that Timothy McVeigh was an evil terrorist. Now that the USA is a police state, McVeigh looks like a hero.
How can Americans walk around like everything is normal when they live in a bankrupt warmongering police state?
Dropout today. Go Galt. Go off the grid. Quit paying taxes. Starve the beast.
The government and the illegal aliens don't obey the law, why should Americans?
The USA used to be a free country and you could trust the news. Now the US is a police state, the corporations and the government are the same, and the media just tells lies.
When the US was a free country, everyone thought that Timothy McVeigh was an evil terrorist. Now that the USA is a police state, McVeigh looks like a hero.
How can Americans walk around like everything is normal when they live in a bankrupt warmongering police state?
Dropout today. Go Galt. Go off the grid. Quit paying taxes. Starve the beast.
The government and the illegal aliens don't obey the law, why should Americans?
The USA used to be a free country and you could trust the news. Now the US is a police state, the corporations and the government are the same, and the media just tells lies.
When the US was a free country, everyone thought that Timothy McVeigh was an evil terrorist. Now that the USA is a police state, McVeigh looks like a hero.
How can Americans walk around like everything is normal when they live in a bankrupt warmongering police state?
Dropout today. Go Galt. Go off the grid. Quit paying taxes. Starve the beast.
The government and the illegal aliens don't obey the law, why should Americans?
You really care at this point?
Eventually, we have to face down those that want our whole race dead.
Shame is for goy puppets and timid shits. I don't fucking care the Gestapo
know me or what the fuck they think of me.
THEY should be the ones that are ashamed of themselves, if they're white, and sitting on their fat fucking asses watching us all die out.
So come and get me. I'm targeting the non-whites first, and when the whites kill me, they kill themselves.
The press can get Americans outraged about Kavanaugh or Smollett, but a week later Americans will totally forget who Kavanaugh or Smollett are.
The elites could get Americans angry enough about tyranny, debt, and wars with 24/7 media coverage that Americans will get out into the streets with torches and pitchforks, but the ruling class won't do this because the 1% wouldn't benefit.
The globalists just want Americans to be distracted, depraved, degraded, and divided with bread and circuses.
Americans may have heard about NSA wiretapping or bump stock bans, but Americans don't know about no knock raids, kill lists, or NDAA indefinite detention without trial.
Americans only want to keep their heads in the sand and believe that they live in a free and peaceful country with a balanced budget.
Americans simply just don't give a shit now and will easily go to the concentration camps.
The US collapse is frustrating for American patriots who care about liberty. How you can you save someone who loves their chains?
Those who love freedom should urgently try to raise money or crowdfund to make art, make songs, produce films, make websites, sponsor billboards, pass out flyers promoting liberty and raise awareness about the police state.
Americans deserve everything coming to them, but if there will be any change, the resistance will come from a core of brave men who are willing to give up everything to fight for freedom.
We are all bad guys in a world run by satan brother. There is no use for laws since obviously the government just declared that we are terrorists. We are our own government and should be responsible for our own people, fuck Washington cunts, fuck the corporate media, fuck San Francisco faggot council and fuck the Wallstreet barrons.
It's time to circle the wagons, we are our own people now. We are official outcasts of society who are to be banished and destroyed by the state so we need to start planning to fight back if that's what it comes to.
It is better for us to die fighting for our families than to live as slaves to Satan. It is better that we burn down all of Washington D.C with us inside of it than our families become the serfs of some inoble, evil, felonious villainy which seeks to enslave mankind.
We die together as brothers or we will be sought out by the feds and imprisoned one by one. That's our fate at this point if the feds actually take action, which I assume they will now that the jews are shaking.
Fear not brother, for this is the path of righteousness. Fear not for our salvation but a life of meaninglessness and servitude.