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Saving the US seems impossible.

No cares that the USA is collapsing and patriots who do care are told to give up and let it fall.

Patriots who try to warn Americans today that their house is on fire are told to shut up while Americans pour gas on the flames.


Do you really want to just go to the killing fields without saying a word?


Our overlords don't even have a good reason for the nanny police state anymore. Toothpicks must be outlawed to protect the environment. Rope must be banned for safety. Baseball hats must be outlawed because they are ugly. Insurance must be mandatory to protect the insurance industry. Flagpoles must be banned to protect property values.

Why not just put Americans in prison when they're born?

Some places in the US do not require you to identify yourself before voting.

If you have enough money for a plane ticket and a 2-3 day stay;

You can, fly to US, vote for the candidate of your choice, laugh all the way back home.

You can also help spread this as an alt-right idea of election meddling, by abusing the voter ID loopholes and thus maybe driving the liberal left to oppose alt-right by calling for the voter ID law.

In 1929, Wall Street got the credit for the prosperity and Wall Street was dominated by just a small group of wealthy men. Rarely in the history of this nation had so much raw power been concentrated in the hands of a few businessmen.

Everything was not fine that spring with the American economy. It was showing ominous signs of trouble. Steel production was declining. The construction industry was sluggish. Car sales dropped.

Customers were getting harder to find. And because of easy credit, many people were deeply in debt. Large sections of the population were poor and getting poorer.

Just as Wall Street had reflected a steady growth in the economy throughout most of the 20s, it would seem that now the market should reflect the economic slowdown. Instead, it soared to record heights. Stock prices no longer had anything to do with company profits, the economy or anything else. The speculative boom had acquired a momentum of its own.

On September 5th, economist Roger Babson gave a speech to a group of businessmen. ‘Sooner or later, a crash is coming and it may be terrific.’

The market took a severe dip.

They called it the “Babson Break.” The next day, prices stabilized, but several days later, they began to drift lower.

Though investors had no way of knowing it, the collapse had already begun.”

The market fluctuated wildly up and down. On September 12th, prices dropped ten percent.

They dipped sharply again on the 20th. Stock markets around the world were falling, too.

Then, on September 25th, the market suddenly rallied.

Practically every business leader in American and banker, right around the time of 1929, was saying how wonderful things were and the economy had only one way to go and that was up.

There came a Wednesday, October 23rd, when the market was a little shaky, weak. And whether this caused some spread of pessimism, one doesn’t know. It certainly led a lot of people to think they should get out.

And so, Thursday, October the 24th — the first Black Thursday — the market, beginning in the morning, took a terrific tumble.

The market opened in an absolutely free fall and some people couldn’t even get any bids for their shares and it was wild panic. And an ugly crowd gathered outside the stock exchange and it was described as making weird and threatening noises. It was, indeed, one of the worst days that had ever been seen down there.

But Monday was not good.

Apparently, people had thought about things over the weekend, over Sunday, and decided maybe they might be safer to get out. And then came the real crash, which was on Tuesday, when the market went down and down and down, without seeming limit. Morgan’s bankers could no longer stem the tide. It was like trying to stop Niagara Falls. Everyone wanted to sell.

In brokers’ offices across the country, the small investors — the tailors, the grocers, the secretaries — stared at the moving ticker in numb silence.

Hope of an easy retirement, the new home, their children’s education, everything was gone.

Seriously, fuck school, fuck working full time, become a bum, and give yourself a real education and join
the resistance.

WTF? If anyone wants to attack something they they should stop targeting random civilians and go for infrastructures and/or institutions.

WTF? If anyone wants to attacks something they they should stop targeting random civilians and go for infrastructures and/or institutions.

The US should collapse, let it serve as a mass example of what happens when a white nation is overtaken by kikes and populated by shitskins. No one can argue against it as it will be too big of a disaster to deny.

Just look at California.

Someone is always watching you through the million cameras and recording devices everywhere.

Schizophrenia is normal in a surveillance state.

Noticing the surveillance makes you a paranoid freak.

Someone is always watching you through the million cameras and recording devices everywhere.

Schizophrenia is normal in a surveillance state.

oticing the surveillance makes you a paranoid freak.

Tyranny should energize you.

WTF is there to do?

People are waking up, but action and protests need to be done quickly.

We are running out of time.

Tyranny should energize you.

WTF is there to do?

People are waking up, but action and protests need to be done quickly.

We are running out of time.

Jews are scared of forums
because we are one of the last bastions of truth & free speech on the net & not only are we inoculated & immune to their propaganda, we are very good at deconstructing it & rendering it powerless.

With our memes we inoculate others against the globohomopedo cabal's subversion & obfuscation of the truth. We subvert the subverters.

They want message boards gone or at least most of them - they will probably want one as a honeypot to keep dabs on us.

I think the scariest part of birth control is that it skews a woman's selection of sexual partner meaning less stable relationships and more single mothers. I have not spoken to one woman who is on birth control who was aware of this.

They seem to just believe the last thing they're told, so explaining this to them is ultimately a waste of time because the Jew-media is their daddy/husband now, constantly manipulating them to first become chemical-laden sluts and then useless, bitter mothers forever dependent on the government teat.

The US will become utter hell.

Communists say that the world will end in 12 years because of global warming.

Nazis say that the US Ponzi economy will implode because of debt.

Jews know that they are running out of time to launch their final solution against the 99% since Americans are slowly waking up because of the Internet.

Soon coffee, meat, baseball hats, toothpicks, cars, backpacks, and Qtips will be banned, free speech will be ended, newspapers closed, protests will be illegal, the Internet will be banned, churches will be closed, guns will be outlawed, warrantless home searches will become routine, forfeiture will increase, surveillance will rise, torture will be expanded, elections canceled, and jury trials will be ended.

Americans will be required to give DNA samples and fingerprints to the government and be forced to get microchip implants.

Americans are just degraded zombies now and don't care. The government recently flat-out said that concentration camps are being built and the border will be shut and Americans didn't even shrug.

Americans think that the answer to living in a bankrupt warmongering police state is surrender and the problems will go away if don't think about it and censor anyone who asks questions.

Americans will say that live in a free country if they have never been tortured by the Gestapo and their friends haven't been shot by the FBI.

Americans don't care about war because the media ignores US wars and drone wars kill few Americans.

Americans don't mind debt because a $22 trillion debt is just a number until ATM cards don't work, your company closes, checks bounce, banks shut, the electricity and water don't work, there is inflation and deflation, and you are starving in the street.

After the economy collapses, there will be riots, businesses will be nationalized, concentration camps will open, the US will look like North Korea where those who love tyranny will be allowed to live in the city and have government jobs, and patriots who love freedom will jailed, sent to mental hospitals, killed, or be forced to be poor in the country.

Random suicide attacks on schools and movie theaters will become targeted hit and run attacks on government buildings and checkpoints, militias will become armies, states will secede,
and Civil War 2.0 will happen.

The elites will then try to start WWIII with Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China to distract Americans.

The future looks dark, but Americans can prepare if they urgently start moving to small white towns and buying guns, gold, and food or leaving the US or buying a sailboat.

Americans might be able to resist tyranny by starting a new society like a fraternity, commune, or the Amish.

You would need to be living in a cave today not to see the US collapsing.

Can't you feel it?

Something is very wrong with the USA. These past two years of accelerationism and watching this spectacle unfold; I didn't think it was this bad. Strategically speaking, we are ripe for invasion, if it hasn't already happened.

Legislatures have passed terrible law (family law, hate crime, victimless crime laws, etc.) for the past 30 years.

American Universities are turning impressionable young adults into programmed zombies buried in their smartphone.

Local public schools are teaching the greatness of homosexuality and encouraging CHILDREN to become something other than the person they were born.

The family has been destroyed. Reproduction is on the decline.

Marriage means nothing.

Lying, being unfaithful, back stabbing is encouraged and rewarded. There are no consequences for the behavior.

Jews against everyone, everyone against Jews. Blacks against whites. Whites are bad. They're terrible! They're "TERRORISTS!" (How is that supposed to make me feel as a white male Marine Corps Veteran?)

People who loved their country, the memories of camping or time with their friends or family; the good times in the country that they feel happy being apart of are now enemies.

Memes are "hate speech."

This country is being ripped apart. Legislatures have degenerated into complete anarchy.

Courts are barely functional and are forced to uphold the laws that the chaotic Legislatures pass.

No more use for logic. Everything is based on feelings and outrage.

No unity.

This is all a cover for what is really going on. We are not functional as a society anymore. The Truman show has failed.

The majority of Americans are obese and wouldn't know how to lift a hammer or a saw if given to them.

The majority of Americans are so emotionally fragile someone saying something they don't like will ruin their day.

Lazy, entitled.

Official and long trusted institutions now hijacked by people who attack the population.

Corporations consolidating power and clamping down on whatever rights we ever had.

Banks making debt slaves of everyone.

I hate to say this, but something is coming. I don't know what, but I feel it. With every crazy thing that I see happening in this country, I fear this would even be worse than Hannibal's taunting of Rome. This situation is ripe for an invasion.

What better time? Who is it? Better yet, what will you do? I think you all better start thinking of this and rapidly be preparing.

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