
Americans are so enslaved that they think government agents are holy gods, but since the elites and the government are the same now, asking for government protection from businesses is like asking a thief to watch your house when you go on vacation.

FAA regulates airlines, but airplanes still fail.

SEC regulates stockbrokers, but markets still crash.

FDA regulates drugs, but drugs are still dangerous.

EPA regulates the environment, but the EPA pollutes.

The USSR was a Socialist utopia, but the Soviet Union was polluted.

Maybe the real reason there are food stamps now is because food and banking corporations lobby for them.

Maybe the real reason tax filing is so difficult is that tax preparation corporations lobby for complicated tax forms.

Maybe the real reason there are laws against ridesharing is because taxi cab companies lobby for regulations against competition.

Maybe the real reason there are mandatory vaccine laws now is because pharmaceutical corporations lobby for them.

Maybe the real reason the US is a police state now is because private prison corporations lobby for it.

Maybe the real reason the US is a warmonger now is because defense corporations lobby for wars.

Maybe the real reason there are mandatory health and auto insurance laws now is because insurance companies lobby for them.

Maybe the real reason there are bailouts and subsidies is because corporations lobby for them.

Maybe the real reason there are government student loans and grants now is because colleges lobby for them.

The government takes away your freedom, but won’t protect you.

The way to deal with danger today is to do what worked in the past.

Government needs to be small and people need to take personal responsibility and embrace freedom.

Being dangerous is not in the best of companies.

The big difference between private business and tyranny is that you can boycott the free market, but the government forces you at gunpoint to do something or not do something.

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