
One problem with the US collapse is that there is no one answer on what to do about it.

Patriots might want everyone to organize and topple the government, but Americans are likely too divided, ignorant, enslaved, apathetic, or weak to do that.

Many Americans feel powerless to do anything about the expanding police state, but they can still fight back.

What if Americans just dropped out and stopped supporting US wars, debt, and tyranny?

What if everyone became stateless?

What if everyone stopped using their name?

What if everyone stopped using banks and started buying gold, bartering, and hiding cash?

What if everyone bought farms using anonymous private shell corporations?

What if everyone stopped driving cars and getting driver licenses?

What if everyone stopped using phones and the Internet?

What if everyone stopped flying?

What if everyone stopped paying taxes?

What if everyone stopped joining the military?

What if everyone stopped voting?

What if everyone avoided being photographed?

What if everyone took responsibility for themselves and refused to sign up for Obamacare instead of relying on the government?

Maybe the elites want everyone to give up, but at least we won’t be paying them.


Pass the word.

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