
🔞Sensitive Content 

🖊️Credits of the fanart to its respective author. I found a very curious post, although I could not meet its author. If anyone knows him, please let me know. Several of his works are very good.

🔱Define SATIETY! After eating a HUGE bite. The JAW will be sore for a few days. I say it from EXPERIENCE!

🍉¿Como definir la saciedad luego de comer un enorme bocado? No por nada la gula es una gran falta. No son yerros propios de mi inmadurez. La mandíbula queda adolorida por algunos días. ¡Lo digo por experiencia!
Y si la asfixia es un peligro fatal ¿La comida exótica lo requiere?. ★‿♪
⊷💤Nya Yowl©

✪ ◆ ⋯ 🦴⨀⩊💜 ⋯ ★✿

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