Variation of a kuroshiro image, Sakurai Momoka and Tachibana Arisu
Image 12

Variations of a Minilove image, Mother with Sandy and Molly.
Image 330

Variation of an Essiecks image, Colonel McLoli
Image 6

This finishes the variations

Variations of a lunaticprophet image, 福江 (Fukue).
Image 91

Variation of a kukseleg image, Red Hair.
Images 2 and 12.
This finishes the variations

Variation of a Wabaki image, Vanellope.
Image 320

Only one person answered one of the polls, so I understand there is no interest in these variations.

Variation of a kuroshiro image, Sakurai Momoka and Tachibana Arisu
Images 7 and 13

Variations of a Minilove image, Mother with Sandy and Molly.
Current image: 328

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.