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Alke Kanna and Saikawa

exlurker boosted

variation of a 有梨 image. Choose the image number.
1: with right bottom
2: with right top
4: with left bottom
8: with left top

Reposting of a variation of a 有梨 image.
Current image: 0/16

Variation of a マーボーナス image

Alke Kanna and Saikawa

Alke Kanna and Saikawa. Taking Saikawa's temperature anally
Push the thermometer all the way in

Variation of a 有梨 image.
Current image: 1/16

Change previous image (1772). Answer both.

Change previous image (1772). Answer both.

Variation of an image by 有梨 (three kids).
(current image: 1772)

Variation of a Kuroshiro image

exlurker boosted

2nd winner of this month's character poll, Remilia Scarlet from Touhou!

Those who take part in the communion get access to the .clip file.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.