@gruyere + brimstone + dr fetus and yet explosions still hurt me.
I like that despite me using mods that technically make game somewhat easier (i.e. better chance of better items) with lost (and t. lost (and t. jacob)) you still can easily have a skill issue.
The only real "easy" aspects were that during the ascent i picked up Toxic Shock which pretty much removed all difficulty of ascent itself as everything would die as soon as i would enter the room due to insane damage stat i got by that point.
Another easy aspect is that with mega blast + lost contact you can cheese the fuck out of delirium fight (thank dog), i found it by accident - just fire mega blast and move yourself to bottom right corner and fire to upper left - delirium will constantly teleport and lost contact (?) will also erase anything going your way. Or maybe i just got lucky (irl) and it didn't transform into Mom as he usually does.
By the end of beast fight i still had like 4-5 lives left and most deaths were on beast fight, one was lost at dogma.