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Gruyère boosted
Gruyère boosted
Gruyère boosted
Have you looked in the mirror lately? You are the dystopia.
Gruyère boosted

There is this one peculiar feature of the culture surrounding C and C++ languages that I am yet to witness anywhere else. JavaScript might just be coming close, but even it isn't there yet. Many - if not most - professional C and C++ programmers treat compiler as their adversary, they also often openly despise compiler writers. How often have you seen someone complaining, that a new version of GCC broke his code? And I do not refer to bugs in the compiler, those may happen in any ecosystem. No, this is a very interesting quality of C and C++, with their rather vague and vacuous description allowing a whole lot of leeway in compiler implementations. This goes in a rather stark contrast with languages like Haskell or the Lisp family, where the compiler is a programmer's best friend, providing a whole lot of insight on the code behaviour.

To add to that, I have also seen a lot of hatred towards the standards of the aforementioned languages from C and C++ programmers, despite these same people praising the idea of their languages being standardised (as opposed to, say, Rust). Most of these specialists have never even bothered to read the standards for their favourite languages. And this results in often dire consequences. To be honest, reading GCC Bugzilla is one of my favourite pastimes, just so much anger is being thrown around.

A article by David Chisnall states that C is actually three different languages. There is the C that programmers know (or they think they know), there is the C as it is described in the standard, and there is the C implemented into compilers. And these are at times rather different languages altogether, with the first one often being completely not like the other two. The point also applies to C++.

Gruyère boosted
Gruyère boosted

Update on Helldivers 2:

It’s awesome

I’d write more, but I’m going to go play Helldivers 2 some more instead.

Gruyère boosted
pretty epic spiking and defanging of "radicalized" - it shows the word is working less and less on people
Gruyère boosted

This is so true.
I know one "christian" who was always such an asshole, that he made me say to myself "I hope he's right..."

Gruyère boosted
Things like Starship Troopers, 40k and now Helldivers really unsettle shitlibs because they show them how important the "rule of cool" is to the human mind and how an ideology that essentially just says "yeah you just have to tolerate all this disgusting shit for eternity or we'll kill you" will always lose out to the nicely dressed dudes with machine guns promising clean streets and polite neighbors.

Just picked up Helldivers 2, hopefully the servers will be in a working state when I have time to play it later today.

Looking forward to crushing the hopes and dreams of “mostly peaceful alien migrants” for liberty and democracy.

Gruyère boosted
Gruyère boosted
@MK2boogaloo At the end he doesn't want to suck cock anymore and can get work done :ina_nod:
Gruyère boosted
Gruyère boosted
"Not all gays are child molesters"

Ok but this dude knew SIX other gays that were. That means that one gay dude knows enough pedophiles to nearly run a baseball team.

I don't know seven people I could call for a board game night
Gruyère boosted
@Hoss @Suzu @MeBigbrain @PraxisOfEvil @mrsaturday God exists and he's the top shitposter, nothing will convince me of the contrary.
Gruyère boosted
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