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OK. On topic of anti-intellectualism.

I have noticed lately, that there is a consensus on both sides of the political divide, that there seem to be a HUGE problem with people refusing to reason. Anti-intellectualism seems to be the name of this trend.

Well, the problem isn't exactly with the people refusing to learn, as much as with people adopting completely different view on what tools of learning seems to be valid.

People on the left do believe in institutional construct of academic science. They LOVE posting names of old dudes who agreed with their current belief, as well as pointing to a definition, that was changed 1 week ago. When we raise to them the fact, that all of these institutions are bending the knee in fear of their wrath, I am not exactly surprised, that they see that as dishonest unprovable hypothesis. (So, no matter what scientific paper I bring, you will just say, that people making it were afraid to disagree with the mob? Ain't that convinient)

On the other hand, the right does LOVE to use the common logical shortcuts. Rules like "No medication can be called 100% safe and effective by definition" are not written in any science jurnal, but their application does lead to an ability to form a solid world view long before information can go through a peer review, and are also completely free of any need for an authority to confirm them. Yet, when we come to a leftie with a 6 step logical chain, they look at us as loonies, since not a single one of these steps is formalized in an academic style. (Do you have a paper, saying that castrating kids will lead to a worse luck in finding a life partner????)

So, that means, that maybe, the time for constructive debate might be completely over. We no longer live in the same world, and no way of communication can bridge these two worlds.

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Autistic people are retarded... Just trust us... Their brains are too big to work properly... :omegalul:

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I do not know how to tell you this, but the lab results just came in, and it's not pretty. You are suffering from Life. There is no known cure and it is terminal. You have something between 1 second and 60 years left till you die.

Now with the obvious joke out of the way, I want you to know... Not just on theoretical level, but deep down, that no matter what you do, soon, you will no longer exist.

With that crusial point out of the way, what do you think you have left? 60 years? Sounds reasonable if there won't be any wars or dumb accidents.

Younger years will be more important, since you can enjoy them better, they do not contain as much pain and are genuinelly less demanding on your health to survive, but let's ignore that part for now.

So, here I will use some of secret JEWISH MAGIC. Put on your huwite man's shoes because this might turn your world upside down. I will use STATISTICS.

What is the covid death rate? 0.03 percent for your age group? Ok... That means, that if 3000 of you in paralel dimensions caught covid, one of them died. We can also shorten it, that if you cought covid, 0,03 percent of your life is statistically gone.

Now for a second question. How long have we been in lockdowns? 2 years? ok...
In your 60 years of life remaining, 2 years equal to 3,3 percent. Lockdown with 100 percent certainty stole 2 years of your life already, and the lockdowns are still not over.

So, if we compare how much of your actual life was stolen by the lockdown to what part of your statistical life was stolen by covid, you get, that lockdown had already been 100 times deadlier then covid.

So shut the fuck up, and go hug your grandma NOW!!! Because if you wait for the cure, you might find, that you waited for her inevitable death instead. Go out. Enjoy your life. And do not allow others to blackmail you out of the few days you actually still have.

I cannot believe how soft is the No Men's Sky.
It's absolutely ridiculous. I just wanted to give the game a 2nd try, and 10h into it... Way before completing the fucking tutorial... I received the highest achievement for trading.

Why? I literally sold a single inventory worth of loot. It wasn't some deep researched giga-grind. No... I literally sold my collected bones once.

Games need some rigid goal to aspire towards. Something to tell you "I did something I couldn't have done 100h ago." But the No men's sky is still missing this even decade after the initial release. What a fucking shame too, since it's obvious, that the devs are trying to salvage it. I don't get it.

Also, while one of my 15 friends highly socal female friends is high as fuck on heroin, they still are rating the cleanliness of our curtains, while rating our chlebíčky.

I seriously have no idea, if she ever saw me at this point. This is far beyond anything I've seen on r/womenwritingITguys.

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Me: Can I use this apartment for a lan party?

Mom: But I am afraid. What will you do after guests are drugged out of their mind?

Me, who literally never smoked pot, barely had 3 cigarettes in life etc:

@Escoffier @LukeAlmighty I had teachers who would spell things wrong. Needless to say I always corrected them. At the time, it seemed obvious that abiding spelling and grammar errors could only lead to ruination. (which has happened) I ended up becoming an editor, the only job I ever loved.

This didn't lead teachers to figure out I was a sperg, though, it just made them hate me. So it goes. It was the 70s and 80s and only boys had autism and they certainly didn't have enough language skills to correct teachers.

I think, that regression to the mean might be one of the worst explained phenomena out there.

It is ridiculously simple logical process, but noone istalking about the source of it, so people always assume that it will infinitely pull people down.

So, what is it? If you take 2 people with IQ of 150, and they have kids, their IQ will be 145.

Why? Because every single factor in this world is affected by luck. The world is way too complex to be measured correctly. So, everyone has properties separated to "true value" and lifetime luck. And when you take 2 above average people, there is a huge chance that their lifetime luck was also above average.

So, the parents might have a true IQ of 150+0, while the other parent has 140 with 10 points of lifetime luck, that managed to make results higher. But, that luck will not affect the next generation, meaning that only the real part of their IQ will be averaged.

But this new average is real, and there will not be a 2nd round of decrease.

Warching Destiny and especially Vaush recently is pure joy. They are completely buck broken.

You can see the light in their eyes blown out by the re-election of the God Emperor. Because, they seriously were on the top of the world, with all the insane infrastructure on their side. They managed to fake an election, and had 4 years of total control to grab a hold of society. Yet, after burning through several multi-billion dollar companies... After going all in, sacrificing facebook, disney, entire fucking news media ecosystem.... They won nothing. And it seems, that they have no more sheep to sacrifice.

I do get, that people have learned the helplessness against ads already, but why do they KEEP FIGHTING ME whenever I try to suggest alternatives for them?

Zoomer fren asked why millennials are like this. After all, cohabitation is dumb and we should know better, so why are we so millennial about everything?

My answer:
Imagine an entire generation gets taught to play chicken on the railroad tracks and eat moldy bread and drink curdled milk and to snort asbestos whenever they get a cold. Every time someone says "hey, don't do that," the teachers rise up to scream at that guy and shut him down, so now a bunch of this generation gets horrified because they're getting sick and getting hit by trains.

That's my generation. We are this way because we were taught to be this way. Zoomers have the benefit of watching us live up to it and get burned; they get to learn from the mistakes we were told to make.
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