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OK. On topic of anti-intellectualism.

I have noticed lately, that there is a consensus on both sides of the political divide, that there seem to be a HUGE problem with people refusing to reason. Anti-intellectualism seems to be the name of this trend.

Well, the problem isn't exactly with the people refusing to learn, as much as with people adopting completely different view on what tools of learning seems to be valid.

People on the left do believe in institutional construct of academic science. They LOVE posting names of old dudes who agreed with their current belief, as well as pointing to a definition, that was changed 1 week ago. When we raise to them the fact, that all of these institutions are bending the knee in fear of their wrath, I am not exactly surprised, that they see that as dishonest unprovable hypothesis. (So, no matter what scientific paper I bring, you will just say, that people making it were afraid to disagree with the mob? Ain't that convinient)

On the other hand, the right does LOVE to use the common logical shortcuts. Rules like "No medication can be called 100% safe and effective by definition" are not written in any science jurnal, but their application does lead to an ability to form a solid world view long before information can go through a peer review, and are also completely free of any need for an authority to confirm them. Yet, when we come to a leftie with a 6 step logical chain, they look at us as loonies, since not a single one of these steps is formalized in an academic style. (Do you have a paper, saying that castrating kids will lead to a worse luck in finding a life partner????)

So, that means, that maybe, the time for constructive debate might be completely over. We no longer live in the same world, and no way of communication can bridge these two worlds.

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Autistic people are retarded... Just trust us... Their brains are too big to work properly... :omegalul:

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I do not know how to tell you this, but the lab results just came in, and it's not pretty. You are suffering from Life. There is no known cure and it is terminal. You have something between 1 second and 60 years left till you die.

Now with the obvious joke out of the way, I want you to know... Not just on theoretical level, but deep down, that no matter what you do, soon, you will no longer exist.

With that crusial point out of the way, what do you think you have left? 60 years? Sounds reasonable if there won't be any wars or dumb accidents.

Younger years will be more important, since you can enjoy them better, they do not contain as much pain and are genuinelly less demanding on your health to survive, but let's ignore that part for now.

So, here I will use some of secret JEWISH MAGIC. Put on your huwite man's shoes because this might turn your world upside down. I will use STATISTICS.

What is the covid death rate? 0.03 percent for your age group? Ok... That means, that if 3000 of you in paralel dimensions caught covid, one of them died. We can also shorten it, that if you cought covid, 0,03 percent of your life is statistically gone.

Now for a second question. How long have we been in lockdowns? 2 years? ok...
In your 60 years of life remaining, 2 years equal to 3,3 percent. Lockdown with 100 percent certainty stole 2 years of your life already, and the lockdowns are still not over.

So, if we compare how much of your actual life was stolen by the lockdown to what part of your statistical life was stolen by covid, you get, that lockdown had already been 100 times deadlier then covid.

So shut the fuck up, and go hug your grandma NOW!!! Because if you wait for the cure, you might find, that you waited for her inevitable death instead. Go out. Enjoy your life. And do not allow others to blackmail you out of the few days you actually still have.

I love the taskmaster.
What a shame, that noone knows the show. It's so niche...

I am sorry, but I am going to watch Destiny again.

Because I really want to see the coping.

The bad news is:
Elon is fucking autistic. If you knew just 1 percent about how the tistic people work, you would know entierly well, that he didn't do the thing.

The good news is, that lefties are the least educated people on the planet, so right now, nothing will make them understand that he didn't do the thing :omegalul:

It was just a coincidence, that I found the scariest character during the blood moon, but damn, that was one hell of wibe...

The edge around a kneck on a suit is a fucking geometry sourcery.

Nějaké doporučení na židly k počítači? Silně zvažuji cokoliv, co není ten périkolečkový design s výbušninou pod zadkem.

The religious fags on Twitter are melting down over gamers telling them to fuck off for trying to ruin games in ultimately the same way feminists tried.

The latest is referring to any female character with sex appeal as porn. Some times they just feel like handing an easy win to the left. :pepedisappoint:

Fortunately, it's not the left on the other side of this fight. #GamerGate2 :boxing_kitty:

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- Stop nelegální migraci
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- Naše volební priority musí přece být jasné každému. Máme je všechny vypsané na webu v 38 stránkovém dokumentu, a ten prostě mluví za sebe. Pokud jste naše velkorysé hodnoty doteď nepochopily, tak nás volte jen ze zvyku, ono to tak si i bude lepší.

11 korun za papírovou tašku, ale inflace je na 2 procentech...

Oh god... For a moment, I forgot just how many fraudulent apps were on Google Store. It's so fucking disgusting. :blobcatgooglytrash:

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