
Autistic people are retarded... Just trust us... Their brains are too big to work properly... :omegalul:

That happens.
I was talking about this recently, but it is quite tragic case of domino effect.

While most autistic kids are born with just slightly different interests/way of thinking, this results in them not having friends, not socializing, having to spend their time alone....

And this will result in a completelly alien being, if you accumulate the differences across fucking 20 years of completelly different environment.

It feels to me they cut out all the bullshit notice how she already answers questions before he is done asking them.
Im kinda this way when doing groceries I push every one aside
and talk 2 words at a time because i dont want to waste my energy

If an expert who wants to fucking kill of people like me says it's because of size of my pre-frontal cortex, I better believe it.

@liam I think I got that message, it's just that: Does he really want to? Who even is he? :blobcatthinking:
Honestly, explains why I need a XXXL motorcycle helmet and can't get all the glasses frame styles in my size. too beeg

@LukeAlmighty There is a movement about creating an autistic culture and or nation, call "Autistic Nationalism" that in theory i think could work, but it's still one of those things that a only few dozen people talk online. ( ) The problem is i think the "guild" is too centralized, and there is very much a "correct" opinion on certain thing like gender or economics. I shared a video on an autistic detransitioner ( ) and they ganged on me because even criticizing transgenderism is "anti-autistic" for some reason.

Keep me out of that shit.
Any "x collective" is ALWAYS a leftie shithole. No exceptions

@LukeAlmighty Leftist have a certain way of killing movements, there more movements that died for leftism then leftist movements that actually when any where.

Am doubtful this will get anywhere.
@LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty Leftism is a plague on any social movement that wants to actually accomplish anything. They insist on making every single niche, focused movement a completely directionless catch-all movement that needs to be "inclusive" to literally everyone, including people who are directly opposed to the group the movement was intended to support. It's like using a sledgehammer to perform heart surgery, because a scalpel has too much sharp privilege.

@galena @LodedDiaper
If you want to build a community, you have to build it around a solution, instead of building it around the problem. Being autistic is a problem that hits everyone differently.

Farming is a solution to many problems, that his people the same way.

Also, I am the science-focused autist, so don't expect me not to ridicule any troon I see.

@LukeAlmighty My concern is that "transitioning" is being pushed as the only "solution". Either you let us use HRT and do Double Mastectomys on teens, or they'll kill themselves. Thing is these are only "cure" Symptom at most, and the dysphoria still exists. If i make an anorexic fast, i have not "cured" their anorexia, i only starved them.


Instead of saying autistic people's brain grows to big too early

They could say normal people's brain does not grow enough early enough


So his goal is to divide the number of brain cells autistic people have in their frontal lobe by 1.68 to make them more stupid like normal people so that they will fit in socially

That is evil

@LukeAlmighty "What if literally everyone else is retarded?"
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