Exactly why I was wondering.
Otherwise, I would just slap on Spore for destroying planets and their ecosystems, but that just ain't the same for some reason.

Humans: Learn high magic in 50 years of study.
Dwarfs: Learn the highest smithing in 40 years.

Elfs with 500 years to train:

Well, no. You might not do anything important. But, you will find a hobby. And in case it is smithing for example, you will become Celebrimbor before you even know it.

I love the theory, that Elfs are literally the lazyest race in all of fantasy.

Because you literally cannot find a low level vampire. They do not exist, since they hunt every night for hundreds of years.

On the other hand, you can find many 300+ year old elfs, who are level 3.

Really? You couldn't be assed to kill a single rat every decade to get to the level 10 already?

Qhile playing Shadow of war, I started to wonder:

What game allows you to commit the most awful yet varried amount of war crimes?

I still cannot believe the insane paradox of a game that is shadow of war.

When it was being developed, WB bet everything on it being a breathtaking grand game, where you would spend a bag on microtransactions thanks to good ganeplay and breathtaking world.

But, when the game was released, it flopped monumentally, thanks to the insult of begging in a SP game. That killed off the series completely. After a while, WB just removed the shop and.... It is now an amazing game with a huge scale, that SP games of that era never had. But, it will never get the money back, because on initial release, it felt insulting.

So, the thing that financed the game killed any chance of the profit, but when it was removed, it was still never judged as the amazing game, since the launch window was gone.

What a fucking shame. If you never gave it a chance before, just buy the entire series now, while it's on sale. They are undoubtedly the best Lotr games on the market.

@Iamthebammbamm @PNS
Yeah, I also always assume it's fake ever since it's becoma a meme.

Still hilarious though.

If you think that being cool isn't worthy trade for a few years of life, then you must be a truly happy person.

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