Harry Potter world can be described by a famous comicbook quote 

With a great power comes great not my problem.

I hate it in here.... It's always such a braindrain. :akko_sad2:

and I will feel like passing out for the next 2 days, so thanks gym.

@Type_Other @Curvin
I loved charge blade, until I realized, I am absolutely useless with it...

Longsword on the other hand is so intuitive, that I feel bad for using it. :andyburnt:

I absolutely cannot believe, that it was The crew, that broke the topic of gaming ownership into the mainstream...

The Crew. The mount lost potential of games.

Same problem with the conspiracy theory. They did in fact manage to install a complete brain shutdown phrase into people's brains, and just set the keyword to the actual solutions to the problem.

lol they have made the worlds problems so complex that when u simplify it with "its the jews" people just shut down bc they think it cant be that simple but it is .. its really that simple

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LouisConde @boburtle @yockeypuck @Morghur
I was thinking about this post, and realized one thing.

I have knows several Tomboys, and there is one thing, they have in common, that might not seem obvious, that with enough context, it might just make sense.

I have heard several times that women are just "too scared to be kind" these days. I am still not sure, if I believe this, but I have noticed, that muscular girls are in fact always able to relax much more around "creeps like me" then normal girls. And when they relax, they can even show the kindness, that I almost didn't believe it existed in this society anymore.

So, there come many benefits with this kind of extreme health. And this one is anything but surface level.

Me neither. And that is, why I want their every move recorded, including toalet breaks.

Well, I don't see the joke. It's the same group still growing in power. The few people who just no longer fit the purpose won't understand what happened, and the jews aren't getting weaker.


> And the cops knocked the camera out. Genious!!!

What are you laughing at? What do you think you're watching you brainless pig? Do you want cops to be hiding their actions? Do you actually think that is ok?

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I am so fucking done with "the right".

The quatering is soying out about Google firing 20 employees, because they supported palestine.

You idiot, that is not a win. That is literally the jewish cathedral becoming even MORE PURE. More single minded and Israel centric.

These people are just retarded, if they think, that the wore left split getting fixed is good, because a few wokies got hurt in the process.

My boss just told me, that he wouldn't mind, if I was working for a few months from Japan... :MonkaChrist:

´This shit just got way too real.

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