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I think we should officially adopt "Hitler particles" as the official measurement of art
write in replies what you think can be measured in art in Hitler particles

tomie boosted
tomie boosted

> "omg, I hate that old shoujo is so pedophi--"


tomie boosted
tomie boosted
tomie boosted

guess what, they're already doing that, and the already inferior media has already become much worse
I can't believe I actually encountered this "opinion" in a wild

art for Weird Tales magazine covers by Margaret Brundage

I wonder for how long do we have to endure corporate memphis literally everywhere and why did it stick for so long
frutigers came and went, and they had several stages

tomie boosted
tomie boosted
The Presidential Bloodline: Are U.S. Presidents Secretly Chosen Through Royal Ancestry?

A 12-year-old girl made a groundbreaking discovery that changes how we see American leadership forever. While researching genealogy, she found that every U.S. President—except Martin Van Buren—traces back to a single ancestor: King John Lackland of England, the monarch who signed the Magna Carta in 1215.

Unlike professional genealogists who only traced male lineage, she mapped out both male and female ancestry, revealing an undeniable pattern: America’s leaders aren’t just elected—they’re connected.

Does this prove a hidden elite bloodline controlling the highest levels of government? Are presidential elections just a façade for royal lineage selection? Watch now and decide for yourself.

#PresidentialBloodline #EliteControl #HiddenHistory #RoyalAncestry #DeepStateExposed

another day, another artist throwing a tantrum and deleting his account with all the artwork because someone reposted it
jeez, good thing that there was some autist who reposted everything, or else it all would be lost

if the male love interest for a male player character is hot, it's not DEI, it's goddess-approved content for fujos
of course, this is just a small token of apology for not making the player character a woman by default, but it will do

literally every closed no-women-allowed male circle devolves into buttfucking
if this spreads wider than a closed circle, it devolves to outright pedophilia in form of "replacing" women with little boys
seeing pattern noticers seething over people noticing this particular pattern is very, very funny

Portrait of Antonietta Gonzalez by Lavinia Fontana

got my hands onto this thing
I expected more cringe but the girls aren't even in the towers when the planes hit, they're just in school relatively nearby but not too near, and entire "survival" boils down to two girls and the third wheel in form of a m*le classmate going home but they still get PTSD for some reason
the girls have two dads, their mothers are described with less respect than some objects get (I don't believe a female writer could do that), there's an illustration of a woman in hijab, the little sister not only has a rainbow sweater and it's a plot point, but is also described as "sassy" (💀), there's a random injection about society being sexist towards Mary Shelley, and while yeah, that's true, this deserves more than being a random footnote interrupting the text (even Molly herself says it's random)
The text has too many footnotes, too: kids Do Not have the patience to check whatever fancy Adult word the author shoved in, this should've been eradicated to the max

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