tomie boosted

@matrix won't somebody please think of the pedowood pedos

@beardalaxy according to the dogma m*n made, aborted sisters don't go into heaven, same as with children who died of various reasons before being baptized

@matrix isn't this just blending in by embracing Romanian culture

@Mr_NutterButter what country I am from is absolutely irrelevant, making fun of you for being arrogant is ❤️

tomie boosted

@Mr_NutterButter oh, no, no, you won't be able to backtrack from this hilarity, because I also so so love when someone's attempt at being a smartass with a fart cloud of pseudo superiority shatters with its piss poor grammar

@Mr_NutterButter @beardalaxy >kidnapped citizens
i love so so much when burgers project their own sins onto other nations

@nierenstein millennial games didn't "age poorly", zoomers just think that if skin pores texture in 12k doesn't throttle the GPU, then it's "outdated graphics"

@beardalaxy there's already a theory that Shrek's daughter is trans

@beardalaxy there was no need for Shrek movies after the second one

@beardalaxy @xianc78 my guilty pleasure is those extremely cheap supermarket pizzas, some claim they taste like death, but it's half depressing half comforting food

@xianc78 how the fuck do you even interact with a pizza lover in a way that could make you hate them
I hate a lot of people and even I never had a pizza lover on my radar aside from those elitists who pretend that pineapple pizza isn't a gift from heavens and insist that "true" pizza might be slightly burnt, but that's more of a 'gatekeeping tourist' problem

guess what, they're already doing that, and the already inferior media has already become much worse
I can't believe I actually encountered this "opinion" in a wild

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