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My favorite thing to do on the Internet is to save images of cats with cigarettes in their mouth and images of dogs given guns by their humans.

I don't know what kind of spiritual energy this gives off but I definitely have it.

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After all these years.

One of the few pieces of knowledge I still consider to be very enlightening is the phrase.

"As above, so below; so above"

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Fun fact about my fictional world.

"Emanations" are dreams from dead gods; eternal slumbers.

Be careful. They may be dead but their presence is eternal.

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I just thought of a fun meme idea.

Just post a random image then type the phrase.

"Just as the founding fathers intended"



I've been so busy with other stuff I haven't had time to actually revise parts of the story I've written so far and haven't had time to even write any more either.

last night, my internet went out right after i stopped playing ff16.

tonight, the game got updated right before i played it with a stability patch. nice! probably not a game changer but hey, i'll take a few extra fps.

I have the funniest and most original meme idea ever

>garage music
>listen to in your house

>house music
>listen to it in a public venue

girlfriend wants cookies but I'm just going to eat all of them in front of her

game dev 

progress on the map for my little grandma's house remake. you can see the white flowers pop up and have a 3d shape.

i need to figure out how to get the dense flowers to pop up a bit too... I think I'm going to have to turn it into a short wall that the player can just walk through. only the top of their head will stick out.

i also still need to add trees, which will have these same sort of shapes as the 3d flowers do. there are quite a lot of them in this area so it will change the look drastically. in the original game, they are all dead... however that doesn't make too much sense when there is so much life around them. they look spooky, but i think i'll turn them into normal trees.

the second image is how the game originally looks, just to give a bit of a comparison.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.