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My favorite thing to do on the Internet is to save images of cats with cigarettes in their mouth and images of dogs given guns by their humans.

I don't know what kind of spiritual energy this gives off but I definitely have it.

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After all these years.

One of the few pieces of knowledge I still consider to be very enlightening is the phrase.

"As above, so below; so above"

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Fun fact about my fictional world.

"Emanations" are dreams from dead gods; eternal slumbers.

Be careful. They may be dead but their presence is eternal.

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I just thought of a fun meme idea.

Just post a random image then type the phrase.

"Just as the founding fathers intended"


>Person makes video and video essay about media literacy and how most people are retarded.

>Dislikes disabled by owner.

>Checks other video.

>All videos dislike disabled by owner

>I'm starting to see a pattern.

Bro they just leaked the group chat!

It's real to lol.

One of the most appealing things about rotting or post-apopocalyptic world's is not the destruction or revenants of a past but the silver's of Hope and thriving despite the world.

Why do erotic VNs always end up having really good stories and likeable characters? Seriously, you start playing them for the porn then you get SUCKED IN to the plot.

@LukeAlmighty Anything nature made, including a large border, usually looks better than modern art. I'll occasionally go on a mountain trip to basically just see glorified boulders. :peepoShrug:
But seeing that this is a park, a kids playground, grass and trees, should have taken priority over the boulders. Personally, I would have planted a tree in the center, and then some flowers and grass, instead of THAT.

Eddie Habsburg wieder stabil

The biggest review on YouTube of AC Shadow and most of the comments are saying they will wait for the game to go on sale.

It's joever

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.