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My favorite thing to do on the Internet is to save images of cats with cigarettes in their mouth and images of dogs given guns by their humans.

I don't know what kind of spiritual energy this gives off but I definitely have it.

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After all these years.

One of the few pieces of knowledge I still consider to be very enlightening is the phrase.

"As above, so below; so above"

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Fun fact about my fictional world.

"Emanations" are dreams from dead gods; eternal slumbers.

Be careful. They may be dead but their presence is eternal.

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I just thought of a fun meme idea.

Just post a random image then type the phrase.

"Just as the founding fathers intended"


Valve just randomly drops the final TF2 comic and wrapped the entire storyline and gives everyone a happy ending and wraps up the majority of loose ends in the lore, nicely and neatly with almost no lore contradictions.

Damn they really just hit you out of nowhere.

>There was a terrorist attack in Germany I told someone it was probably a Muslim they didn't agree though it was probably a incel.

>Bet 20$ on it.

>I won 20$.

>It was a good day.

It's only bad thing about living near the equator that I never got to experience watching seasons change cuz everything looks near identical.

The only difference I see is that grass gets slightly more Brown and dry.

Damn this is crazy.

Two game studios got actual competitors to their multiplayer genre and now they're actually competing with their competitors who are all Chinese because they're trying to undercut them and they're actually giving away free content and announcing brand new events and not being lazy for the first time in 6 years.

Not only that but other game studios have started to realize that they're actually bleeding players so they decided to be conveniently generous this holiday season.

God I love true capitalism and competition.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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