the more i learn about palworld's development the more amazing it is that the game came out at all

apparently, the monster collecting was supposed to be a minor background mechanic, and they were only going to have around 20 pals. once the trailer dropped and people compared it to pokemon, they decided they needed to have more monsters like pokemon does, this lead to hiring animators, artists, etc, and created so much scope creep that it went from a planned 1 year of development to 3 years of development. it went so over-budget that the ceo stopped looking at their funds AT ALL and had a letter prepared to explain pocketpair's bankruptcy

what an emotional rollercoaster that must have been, 2 years stressing about the product going over budget, the acceptance of your bankruptcy, and then hitting the number one played game on steam among non-free games

I am so fucking done with "the right".

The quatering is soying out about Google firing 20 employees, because they supported palestine.

You idiot, that is not a win. That is literally the jewish cathedral becoming even MORE PURE. More single minded and Israel centric.

These people are just retarded, if they think, that the wore left split getting fixed is good, because a few wokies got hurt in the process.

@icedquinn Yeah, I'm really hopeful it's going to keep backfiring in logarithmically more spectacular fashion lol

@beardalaxy @coded_artist
I feel kinda naughty making a half-elf shortstack character instead of a gobbo like I usually do

Like I’m cheating or something
@coded_artist @beardalaxy on an up note fink's holdings are finally starting to lose money and he's in a total panic blaming all muh misinfo conspiracy theorists lmao
@Wolffkran @Wormwood The western alternative isn't better.

"NO, JOKER, DON'T TELL ME-" :venomsnakedemon2:
"You already know Batman, you know what I'm gonna do to THAT THING" :joker2:
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