
@Terry and yet they let Muslim pedophiles walk away…

What has the world been coming to?

Hebephiles* AKA just normal straight men.
A better world would have british men banging these 12 yo girls, but that is something greatly fearer by ZOG and faggots alike.
@efc965d2f405276e24e3910efaf87dbd262c18a374b278161e9d3c26cc24c8f1 @helldiverliberator I'm pretty sure ZOG wouldn't have a problem with dropping the age of consent. In California they've already dropped it down to a misdemeanor to have relations with someone up to 10 years younger than you (I.E. a 22 year old and a 12 year old).

but anyways thanks for outing yourself as a pedophile.
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