BTW @Rasterman, did you hear about Pizza Tower finally coming to the Switch, and the new Castlevania Collection?
@helldiverliberator @ChristiJunior I'm not crazy about those games, but I saw Maximilian Dood go completely nuts on that announcement and realised how many people were waiting for that to come out. Glad for them. :comfy_night:

@rasterman @ChristiJunior

I’ve just found out that Capcom is going to fucking censor some of the games for Capcom Fighting Collection 2! Fucking faggots! 😡


@rasterman @ChristiJunior

They’re going to remove Demitri’s Midnight Bliss transformations in Capcom Fighting Evolution.

@helldiverliberator @ChristiJunior Looked it up. I now see why they did it and they are colossal faggots for doing it. Man, if the Japs can't keep pervert content in normie games, it's over.

@rasterman @ChristiJunior
Yeah, and it seems that these DEI faggots got a stranglehold against the Japs from making sexy and beautiful women and games. Now it’s up to both the chinks and gooks to make coomer shit for us!

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