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Nigel Farage bragging about crushing nationalism in England, and admitting he would never ever EVAR work with them.

I’ve find it funny that a single white woman is saving the WNBA, but of course, they’re nothing but clowns.

@ChristiJunior @dogslurp @niobleoum That’s what the Redhood movie (and probably comics) was all about, him protecting Joker from Jason Todd, who reminder, the Joker beat to near death with a crowbar then blew up with C4 (He was brought back to life by the Lazarus Pit, he was killed).
@niobleoum The way it’s done is also awful in vidya. it’s most of the kill 1000 mooks that’s fine but kill the guy in charge/The one that caused your problems, (IE Senator Armstrong after golfing in TLoU 2) now suddenly it’s a moral choice or just bad depending on the type of game, like killing the Overseer in Fallout 3 after he caused a purge killing a shitload of innocents in the vault, kill the guards, that’s good and expected, but kill him and suddenly the game acts like you’re a murderer lmao
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