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I just finished watching Terminator Zero, and I enjoyed it! It is much better than Terminator Genisys and Terminator Dark Fate. James Cameron should take notes because this is how you do a Terminator spinoff or sequel!

Deadpool & Wolverine is a commentary on the death of superhero movies. The death of Wolverine in Logan is causing the death of his entire timeline, just as in our world said death killed the X-Men franchise as Wolverine was the core of the entire series.

Deadpool is explicitly said to NOT be the core of X-Men by the TVA stooge, and this is quite correct.

Meanwhile the MCU (only recently merged with X-Men) is dying for lack of a strong White male protagonist since Tony Stark died.
Are the normalfags starting to get it yet or are the naughty racist words still more violent than this.

Member when PlayStation had backward compatibility?

Member when PlayStation had tons of Japanese IPs?

Member when PlayStation dominated Nintendo for nearly three decades?

Member when PlayStation lets you play BluRay or DVDs?

Member when PlayStation had great exclusive games?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.