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anonymous ask "are you dating someone right now?"

that would be bad opsec to share. also is fucking someone without permission dating? :blobcatsip:

i setup an ask site so you can send me fucked up questions

i will ignore ones that disregard my profile

wanting to find more artists who draw transguys

Torn between finishing this story and jacking off :akko_sad:

What’s wrong with using someone’s pussy when they’re absolutely passed out? It’s not like they were using it…

whether you're a boy or a girl, if you have a pussy you are designed to be bred <3

hex boosted

i really need to talk to more people who encourage me to commit to things :tanya_sigh:

wouldn't it be fun to have your children sit on top of her and watch while you fuck her brains out? i'm sure they'd love more siblings to play with, gently rubbing their mommy's tummy and pressing against the bulge your cock is making

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you deserve to have your own personal babymaker, tied up or limbs removed, dedicated to making you cute little babies. once her eggs are exhausted, you can do anything with her~

what's more pure than using someone's womb for its intended purpose? even if they don't want it, how can you let all those eggs go unseeded?

nirvana is shedding your post-orgasm regrets and embracing your impulses and desires. you are not worth less because you fantasize about things. it's ok!

wouldn't it be thrilling to cum in the crotch of a cutie's wet bathing suit? and to find she put it on without even noticing your cum?

just knowing that your cum is rubbing up against her pussy is a wonderful feeling

not a new concept: tf'ing unwilling boys into girls and getting them knocked up so they can't become boys again - probably works best on femboys*

wouldn't it be nice if there was a potion you could slip into your crush's drink and turn them back into an underage cutie<3

delicious whether they let you fuck them or if they struggled. it'd be so easy to overpower them...

wanting to meet more transmen who want to be impregnated or abused <3

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.