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lolyshasha boosted

Would be nice if a message could be pushed to every user here. Keep in mind that we will be migrating the instance to something a lot more secure, keeping this up is only a matter of informing current members of this.

Good luck to the team hope you can make it safe :3

I also wanna play with a fox in a different way UwU

My parents are calling me but Im hard so I can't go out of my room :/

lolyshasha boosted

the transphobe comminity is dying

repost to make it die faster

The new people here are hot af >.> Got me thinking some naughty things

I feel like I don't post enough I want to talk with people here more

I feel like I missed alot but suddenly there are alot new hot peeps

This is very important

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.